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Monday, April 17, 2023

First day of a new week

 Well I’ve had a more productive day today maybe the most since I’ve been home I made it home last Wednesday at 11:30 at night not one little bit of car trouble. Billy really did get me a fine car and I am so proud of it I have been holding to it driving 8 to 10 miles an hour in first gear over the dirt road people say that won’t last long but they are wrong. Once I make up my mind that’s what I’m gonna do and one day he wants us back for one of his kids or to sell or something And it was so nice of him to give it to me. I do intend to take care of it. I keep it undercover dusted off every time I drive it with my California duster. I washed it as soon as I got home. 

Friday I did have to go to the grocery store  not a thing in the house to eat. I picked up a bunch of stuff for me and Emmy so we’re set for a while. I hope I get to see her this Thursday but not positive she was going to a concert this week somewhere But I miss the little angel

OK Saturday I put away most of the clothes I had out and Sunday I cleaned my kitchen except I had taken the door off of the oven to clean it real good I couldn’t get it back on. Jr came Sunday and finally got it back on for me, but it was not easy. It came off Like a cinch but it went back on like a bear. Hi I’m glad it’s on though and fixed. I used it today as a matter fact.

Made Fleta and the kids spaghetti today and I baked spaghetti squash for Fleta and me. I love it. I felt pretty good today and then all of a sudden about 3 o’clock. I got sick as a dog throwing up. Had a temperature I was chilling I went in my bed fell asleep for a while and got up and I feel better so I figured might as well Make use this 

I ordered me a little electric Tiller just want to use around the flowers here and use around the tomato plants. I want to put in wasn’t very expensive. I did buy the three year warranty on it though cause I guarantee you I’m gonna tear it up this ground is  not made for the cheap tillers, so I figured that $20 certificate for three years will certainly come in handy but I did get out this evening and use it. It was already dark by then but I just wanted to see how it would do and I’m amazed that it did so good tomorrow I’ll try to get it looking a little better. I want to till up around the fire pit and put some bricks in there. You know it just gotten so I can hardly digg with a shovel very much and with an electric TillerI should not have to worry about starting it. 

I’m doing this talking on my phone again so you know all the errors it’s gonna make you just have to do your best to figure it out sure have loved being home I did organize all my groceries in the back room put them in short totes my daughter-in-law inspired me, and mine doesn’t look as good as hers but boy it’s better than what it was

The first thing I did on Saturday morning was completely clean off my porch, Greg and mow the yard that Friday night and it looks so good and I love sitting out here and especially when the house is in a mass I don’t want to sit in there I still had all my bags and stuff and Laura had given me three big trash bags of wonderful clothes that I still have not had time to go through I dumped them all out in the chair to begin with and looked at some of them and they were so many nice ones so yesterday I finally just poked them back in the sacks and hid them in my room until such time I can go through them it’s a lot of winter stuff and I do love her soft sweaters  But by me being gone Fleta went through them first. I don’t know what made her think she should do that but she come up here with the nicest exercise pants on that were so soft and I looked right at them and I said those come from Laura, Jean and she said yeah she went through the stuff and I said well take them off because I sleep in all of those I like them  And she says well I don’t blame you. They are really nice.. They got this great big insert here of like 3 inches and I think it’s three layers, of fabric and they’re so soft and they stay up above the waist. They are just really great and I said yes I know that’s why I want them back . She also took a bunch of tank tops now there was a need it poncho in there that was great and I love it. I have been wearing it the last few days while I’ve been cold. Thank God she didn’t want that. 

Talked to cousin Winnie yesterday she’s feeling so good. I’m so proud. Frankie called me says he’s doing pretty good. I wish he would let me come up and said his house win, he needs to do errands. I think I could be of a little help . You know, I am not worth a lot anymore as far as helping people.

Kelly called me three or four times while I was in Arizona tell me I need to get home Betty was going crazy I already knew Betty was crazy so that was no big news for us

Boy, it’s pretty sitting out on the porch tonight Daddy sure did do a good job when he built his house faceing east it made it cool in the Mornin cool in the kitchen and bedrooms at night I got a couple of limbs blown off in the yard. We had hail Saturday just after I fixed all the tomato plants in little pots they got hailed on, I think I saved most of them but I a run out here on the porch bending over, picking them all up big old golf ball, size hail was hitting me on the rear end. They better do good

this summer. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

My last day here

 So here I am waiting for the grandkids one last time it’s about 100° again today feels good we got we got sun. It feels good.

I’ve got most of my stuff packed up in my room when I. Get home I’m going to pack the car in and load up almost all my stuff. It’ll be parked in the shade there, so it should be fine. I’ll be leaving in the morning as early as I can. That kind of depends on when I wake up

Fleta, Betty Jean has an app on her phone that is going to follow me and she can tell you where I’m at anytime of the day. If I don’t get off real real early I’ll probably have to pull over somewhere and sleep for a while and I may have to anyway because we have a two hour difference in time. Or maybe it’s one hour no it’s two

After I pick up the kids, I’m gonna run by and see if this orange stand has good oranges or how much they cost so and so forth it won’t be out in the morning when I leave it’ll be too early I imagine.

I found a couple of pretty rocks and Bill‘s yard and bringing home to remember and he gave me a big heavy corded drill, which I really have to get back to Fleta May to replace the one of George’s that I’ve used all this time so I guess I’ll just keep it in the shed like I did the other one. I have four pieces og 4x4 to make MyFlower garden out of three and I have a lot of plastic to wrap around my tomato plants. Im gonna put some posts in the ground at the corners and just wrap this plastic around the round r them. Hopefully it’ll make sort of a greenhouse maybe will have tomatoes this year I hope so , I tried to grow some out here from seed it was unsuccessful so I thought I’d just go buy some small plants and tell Fleta that I’ve done it but I really couldn’t find any plants anywhere except like Walmart or something I was hoping somebody had you know like 50 little ones in a pan like Patty used to have it  That was a no go.

Still using my speakerphone to type this so there’s lotta mistakes but I’m not gonna even try to fix him. I’m sure you all can understand what I’m trying to say

Been praying for the last two days a lot and I’ll feel better and good enough to make it home. I do feel a lot better today. I think I’m gonna be able to make it without a problem. But boy have I been sick. Sick often on since September even Christmas time I couldn’t even make it to Fleta‘s hardly. Been to the doctor now three times for antibiotics and steroids. I finished off the antibiotics Sunday and I didn’t feel a lot better but I am today I took down that they had the blowup bed and I’ve been sleeping in a recliner and I think that’s helped with the drainage from my sinuses, my voice is still hoarse. Oh well, I will see everyone in a few days the good Lord willing. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

A great visit

 I could not have asked for more beautiful weather, or a better place to stay. Kimberly had me a nice blowup bed and a whole room to miss house back there and a big screen projector so I could watch all the TV I wanted which I did a lot of because I was feeling a little under the weather. The grandkids have been great. I got to see the Grandest and Mackenzie in a Rasband, which was wonderful. 

Nobody can beat my daughter-in-law Kimberly for having a organized super clean house with very little yelling going on and considering she has Seth which is a miniature Billy that is saying Sam thin

Yesterday I decided I would deflate the mattress be able to wash Kimberly sheets and vacuum the carpet and mop the floors at their where I was staying nothing worse than a dirty house guest. So I put one of Gilbert’s sheets on one of the recliners and I had my last soft blanket, my pillows and I slept in it last night and it was actually a godsend I think because today my sinuses are much much better. I think they were able to drain down through the night. I’ve been sleeping very little and waking up and coughing, coughing coughing Tiefel I was going to black out. I had taken several of my treatments. It didn’t seem to help a lot. I’ve had three or four good days since I’ve been here where I really wanted to do something that’s about all the rest the time I just kind of did a few dishes and cleaned up with a Kids and some laundry and things like that.

Saturday I went to see Lily my old hairdresser and I got a fabulous haircut. I am so thrilled. I got new glasses while I was out here three new pair of very comfortable shoes for very little amount of money I think 17 was the most expensive I paid for any of them of course they were like $60 shoes and I got them from Ross. Hooray hooray I love that place coming home with some plastic Billy gave me I’m hoping to be able to wrap around some fence posts and maybe help get my tomatoes off to a better start. They’re in front of the house. I ordered an electric tiller while I was out here . I’m not sure I’ll be able to use it but at least I’ll get in and get it started. I’m sure. 

Anyone want to guess the temperature today? I’m sitting here and waiting for the kids. All the windows are down 98°. I love it it’s almost enough to make you wanna take your clothes off. I am hoping the cold weather and the rain and especially that wind is through in Arkansas for a while cause if I have to go back laying on the couch, cover my head up with electric blanket it’s gonna be sad. 

I’m leaving out Wednesday morning here. Don’t know what time I guess whenever I wake up and I’m ready and don’t know if I’ll have to pull over and sleep somewhere or not doubt if I get a hotel room because I’m never able to sleep over an hour or two on a trip like that, and I can always pull in a real fancy parking lot of a hotel and put up my window blinds and nobody knows or even thought on the way out here. I could pull into a hospital parking lot and be able to sleep quite safely for an hour or two so that’s pretty much what I’m thinking on. 

Here in town my little car is getting about 28 miles to the gallon so on the road it might do a little better I don’t know. Probably depends on how hard to push it.

Didn’t really make an Easter dinner yesterday but Kimberly made a smoked tri-tip which surprised me it was absolutely so tender. She did it on the grill in the middle of it was medium rare, which is what Bill likes the end was done which is what I like. I just had a little piece, but even it was very very tender so that was a lovely day. 

Well, kids will be out in about 10 minutes. I hope they’ve had a wonderful day at school. I’ll be glad to be back home if the weathers nice.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Sometimes things don’t work out as planned

 Since being out here my hair had turned kind of this chicken yellow color and I didn’t like it so I went to Sally’s beauty supply yesterday and picked up bleach and then I picked up a toner. They’re used to be a color in the 70s it was called white minx, I called it toilet seat white it was that color and that’s what I was shooting for so of course the little girl who helped me had never heard of white minx and she showed me this yellow color and I said no no I wanted the color like toilet seat white so she text me over we look at this little swab of hair that they have at the color was snowcapped white  and it was as white as a toilet seat. I said this is perfect.

So this morning I got up and I bleached my hair.It was pretty white, but I thought off put this toner on and it will tone down any yellow that I might have  . I did not know that it was going to turn into grandma Gaddys blue hair. I swear to goodness it looks just like it. I’m gonna have to go back to Sally’s and get more white bleach and see if I can fix it, on the upside my old hairdresser out here is going to cut my hair on Saturday. Maybe she will help me 

The other thing is every since I’ve been out here driving my car people are honking at me now I’ve driven in traffic a lot, and I have hardly ever been honked at for doing something wrong. It just doesn’t happen to me often but I’ve had in the last two weeks I have been honked at least 50 times, I turned around and I can’t even tell who’s honking or what I’ve done wrong and I was really starting to lose my confidence in my driving which of course sisters think I can’t drive anyway. So I have bird Doodoo on my car again and yesterday evening I pulled it out back and use Bill’s washer and re-wash my car then about six I was gonna take the grandkids down to the volleyball place where they could play volleyball inside. My car was still parked at the back and by now, Bill was working on his motorcycle , when I went to take off my horn honked.

Bill hollered roll down your window mom he said did you just honk your horn I said no my horn doesn’t work. Remember he tried to fix it he even bought a new one and it still did not fix it and he said oh well there must be a short in the relay somewhere I need to unhook it, and then it dawned on me. I have been honking at myself. The little horn on my car apparently is pretty quiet and my music is pretty loud so I guess I’ve got my confidence back about driving but I’m not really that bad of a driver. But then again, I guess it does mean im

pretty stupid.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

It’s always Sunny in Arizona

 Boy, the weather has been beautiful. I have still been a little sick. I went back to urgent care today got some high-powered drug Levaquin. Erin will know what that is. I’ve only had it three times in my whole life. They save it for the really big one you know.

In about an hour I’ll take the two kids down so they can play on the volleyball indoor court for free tonight. Lexi likes to go but she wants someone to go with us so Seth goes with her. I told him he might be able to get a girlfriend this way since it’s mostly girls volleyball.

Today my blood pressure was really high when I was at the doctor and they asked me if I had taken my blood pressure pay off I told him I always take it at night. It was 180/120 they about had a stroke and then I explained that well last night I was taking my pills. I dropped one in the dark and I didn’t want to turn the light on and find it so I just went with that and I didn’t know which one I had drop that. I kind of figured out. It was the blood pressure one, so sure enough when I got home I was laying right there on the floor. I just picked it up and swallowed it.

 I kind of figured out. It was the blood pressure one, so sure enough when I got home I was laying right there on the floor. I just picked it up and swallowed it.

Bill got home from work and he is outside shining up his Harley which I think is the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen he doesn’t think it’s that beautiful but boy I do absolutely love it he said that he likes his other bike just as well and thinks it looks just as nice, but it doesn’t and it certainly does not sound nearly as nice as the Harley. He got a new position at a new Amazon place and he hast to drive father now but he has a lot better hours and he’s gonna start driving the Harley. I told him he would be the envy of everyone in the parking lot and he said now there’s not many 68 year old women that are there working with him . Return.

Kimberly just runs herself ragged tending to kids in working and cleaning house making meals since I was so sick today I stop by Walmart and picked up several cans of soup and a whole box of crackers. I intend to have that for a few days she sure don’t need to be cooking for me. Osama I’m eating the yogurt that I was supposed to been eating all alarm cause there’s fever blisters all in my mouth and I have that I don’t know what it is that white stuff that little babies get in their , I’ll eat the yogurt. Maybe it will help 

I decided I’m coming home a week from today. I figured that would be a good day to start out after being on these antibiotics and steroids for another five or six days I had to be feeling better if it’s cold at home I may just turn around and come back because I sure have enjoyed the sunshine. I better soak it up now. 

Oh sister, Fleta tell me today that her and Betty are going on a wonderful trip to Kentucky or Tennessee or one of those other backward places besides Arkansas to look up to people they invited me to go along. They didn’t want me to feel left out. I’m pretty sure I’ll just stay home, can’t imagine riding in the car with two of them talking nonstop about dead people and dead peoples relatives 

It is Jake’s birthday in just a and I had forgotten that I have got to get him something sent This is pitiful of me. I thought of Lexi and Melissa But I had forgotten about Jake.

Well, another day shot kids to school. I went to the doctor. I went to the pharmacy and picked up Medicine  went to Walmart and got groceries I went to Sally’s beauty supply and got more bleach for my hair. I went back and picked up the kids and that’s been my day so far. When I got the kids and got home, I am mediately to the shower and put on my night clothes. I wouldn’t want to miss any sleep.