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Monday, April 10, 2023

A great visit

 I could not have asked for more beautiful weather, or a better place to stay. Kimberly had me a nice blowup bed and a whole room to miss house back there and a big screen projector so I could watch all the TV I wanted which I did a lot of because I was feeling a little under the weather. The grandkids have been great. I got to see the Grandest and Mackenzie in a Rasband, which was wonderful. 

Nobody can beat my daughter-in-law Kimberly for having a organized super clean house with very little yelling going on and considering she has Seth which is a miniature Billy that is saying Sam thin

Yesterday I decided I would deflate the mattress be able to wash Kimberly sheets and vacuum the carpet and mop the floors at their where I was staying nothing worse than a dirty house guest. So I put one of Gilbert’s sheets on one of the recliners and I had my last soft blanket, my pillows and I slept in it last night and it was actually a godsend I think because today my sinuses are much much better. I think they were able to drain down through the night. I’ve been sleeping very little and waking up and coughing, coughing coughing Tiefel I was going to black out. I had taken several of my treatments. It didn’t seem to help a lot. I’ve had three or four good days since I’ve been here where I really wanted to do something that’s about all the rest the time I just kind of did a few dishes and cleaned up with a Kids and some laundry and things like that.

Saturday I went to see Lily my old hairdresser and I got a fabulous haircut. I am so thrilled. I got new glasses while I was out here three new pair of very comfortable shoes for very little amount of money I think 17 was the most expensive I paid for any of them of course they were like $60 shoes and I got them from Ross. Hooray hooray I love that place coming home with some plastic Billy gave me I’m hoping to be able to wrap around some fence posts and maybe help get my tomatoes off to a better start. They’re in front of the house. I ordered an electric tiller while I was out here . I’m not sure I’ll be able to use it but at least I’ll get in and get it started. I’m sure. 

Anyone want to guess the temperature today? I’m sitting here and waiting for the kids. All the windows are down 98°. I love it it’s almost enough to make you wanna take your clothes off. I am hoping the cold weather and the rain and especially that wind is through in Arkansas for a while cause if I have to go back laying on the couch, cover my head up with electric blanket it’s gonna be sad. 

I’m leaving out Wednesday morning here. Don’t know what time I guess whenever I wake up and I’m ready and don’t know if I’ll have to pull over and sleep somewhere or not doubt if I get a hotel room because I’m never able to sleep over an hour or two on a trip like that, and I can always pull in a real fancy parking lot of a hotel and put up my window blinds and nobody knows or even thought on the way out here. I could pull into a hospital parking lot and be able to sleep quite safely for an hour or two so that’s pretty much what I’m thinking on. 

Here in town my little car is getting about 28 miles to the gallon so on the road it might do a little better I don’t know. Probably depends on how hard to push it.

Didn’t really make an Easter dinner yesterday but Kimberly made a smoked tri-tip which surprised me it was absolutely so tender. She did it on the grill in the middle of it was medium rare, which is what Bill likes the end was done which is what I like. I just had a little piece, but even it was very very tender so that was a lovely day. 

Well, kids will be out in about 10 minutes. I hope they’ve had a wonderful day at school. I’ll be glad to be back home if the weathers nice.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Glad to hear of you and your great adventure.