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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

My last day here

 So here I am waiting for the grandkids one last time it’s about 100° again today feels good we got we got sun. It feels good.

I’ve got most of my stuff packed up in my room when I. Get home I’m going to pack the car in and load up almost all my stuff. It’ll be parked in the shade there, so it should be fine. I’ll be leaving in the morning as early as I can. That kind of depends on when I wake up

Fleta, Betty Jean has an app on her phone that is going to follow me and she can tell you where I’m at anytime of the day. If I don’t get off real real early I’ll probably have to pull over somewhere and sleep for a while and I may have to anyway because we have a two hour difference in time. Or maybe it’s one hour no it’s two

After I pick up the kids, I’m gonna run by and see if this orange stand has good oranges or how much they cost so and so forth it won’t be out in the morning when I leave it’ll be too early I imagine.

I found a couple of pretty rocks and Bill‘s yard and bringing home to remember and he gave me a big heavy corded drill, which I really have to get back to Fleta May to replace the one of George’s that I’ve used all this time so I guess I’ll just keep it in the shed like I did the other one. I have four pieces og 4x4 to make MyFlower garden out of three and I have a lot of plastic to wrap around my tomato plants. Im gonna put some posts in the ground at the corners and just wrap this plastic around the round r them. Hopefully it’ll make sort of a greenhouse maybe will have tomatoes this year I hope so , I tried to grow some out here from seed it was unsuccessful so I thought I’d just go buy some small plants and tell Fleta that I’ve done it but I really couldn’t find any plants anywhere except like Walmart or something I was hoping somebody had you know like 50 little ones in a pan like Patty used to have it  That was a no go.

Still using my speakerphone to type this so there’s lotta mistakes but I’m not gonna even try to fix him. I’m sure you all can understand what I’m trying to say

Been praying for the last two days a lot and I’ll feel better and good enough to make it home. I do feel a lot better today. I think I’m gonna be able to make it without a problem. But boy have I been sick. Sick often on since September even Christmas time I couldn’t even make it to Fleta‘s hardly. Been to the doctor now three times for antibiotics and steroids. I finished off the antibiotics Sunday and I didn’t feel a lot better but I am today I took down that they had the blowup bed and I’ve been sleeping in a recliner and I think that’s helped with the drainage from my sinuses, my voice is still hoarse. Oh well, I will see everyone in a few days the good Lord willing. 

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Praying you are super duper soon.