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Monday, April 17, 2023

First day of a new week

 Well I’ve had a more productive day today maybe the most since I’ve been home I made it home last Wednesday at 11:30 at night not one little bit of car trouble. Billy really did get me a fine car and I am so proud of it I have been holding to it driving 8 to 10 miles an hour in first gear over the dirt road people say that won’t last long but they are wrong. Once I make up my mind that’s what I’m gonna do and one day he wants us back for one of his kids or to sell or something And it was so nice of him to give it to me. I do intend to take care of it. I keep it undercover dusted off every time I drive it with my California duster. I washed it as soon as I got home. 

Friday I did have to go to the grocery store  not a thing in the house to eat. I picked up a bunch of stuff for me and Emmy so we’re set for a while. I hope I get to see her this Thursday but not positive she was going to a concert this week somewhere But I miss the little angel

OK Saturday I put away most of the clothes I had out and Sunday I cleaned my kitchen except I had taken the door off of the oven to clean it real good I couldn’t get it back on. Jr came Sunday and finally got it back on for me, but it was not easy. It came off Like a cinch but it went back on like a bear. Hi I’m glad it’s on though and fixed. I used it today as a matter fact.

Made Fleta and the kids spaghetti today and I baked spaghetti squash for Fleta and me. I love it. I felt pretty good today and then all of a sudden about 3 o’clock. I got sick as a dog throwing up. Had a temperature I was chilling I went in my bed fell asleep for a while and got up and I feel better so I figured might as well Make use this 

I ordered me a little electric Tiller just want to use around the flowers here and use around the tomato plants. I want to put in wasn’t very expensive. I did buy the three year warranty on it though cause I guarantee you I’m gonna tear it up this ground is  not made for the cheap tillers, so I figured that $20 certificate for three years will certainly come in handy but I did get out this evening and use it. It was already dark by then but I just wanted to see how it would do and I’m amazed that it did so good tomorrow I’ll try to get it looking a little better. I want to till up around the fire pit and put some bricks in there. You know it just gotten so I can hardly digg with a shovel very much and with an electric TillerI should not have to worry about starting it. 

I’m doing this talking on my phone again so you know all the errors it’s gonna make you just have to do your best to figure it out sure have loved being home I did organize all my groceries in the back room put them in short totes my daughter-in-law inspired me, and mine doesn’t look as good as hers but boy it’s better than what it was

The first thing I did on Saturday morning was completely clean off my porch, Greg and mow the yard that Friday night and it looks so good and I love sitting out here and especially when the house is in a mass I don’t want to sit in there I still had all my bags and stuff and Laura had given me three big trash bags of wonderful clothes that I still have not had time to go through I dumped them all out in the chair to begin with and looked at some of them and they were so many nice ones so yesterday I finally just poked them back in the sacks and hid them in my room until such time I can go through them it’s a lot of winter stuff and I do love her soft sweaters  But by me being gone Fleta went through them first. I don’t know what made her think she should do that but she come up here with the nicest exercise pants on that were so soft and I looked right at them and I said those come from Laura, Jean and she said yeah she went through the stuff and I said well take them off because I sleep in all of those I like them  And she says well I don’t blame you. They are really nice.. They got this great big insert here of like 3 inches and I think it’s three layers, of fabric and they’re so soft and they stay up above the waist. They are just really great and I said yes I know that’s why I want them back . She also took a bunch of tank tops now there was a need it poncho in there that was great and I love it. I have been wearing it the last few days while I’ve been cold. Thank God she didn’t want that. 

Talked to cousin Winnie yesterday she’s feeling so good. I’m so proud. Frankie called me says he’s doing pretty good. I wish he would let me come up and said his house win, he needs to do errands. I think I could be of a little help . You know, I am not worth a lot anymore as far as helping people.

Kelly called me three or four times while I was in Arizona tell me I need to get home Betty was going crazy I already knew Betty was crazy so that was no big news for us

Boy, it’s pretty sitting out on the porch tonight Daddy sure did do a good job when he built his house faceing east it made it cool in the Mornin cool in the kitchen and bedrooms at night I got a couple of limbs blown off in the yard. We had hail Saturday just after I fixed all the tomato plants in little pots they got hailed on, I think I saved most of them but I a run out here on the porch bending over, picking them all up big old golf ball, size hail was hitting me on the rear end. They better do good

this summer. 

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Yelp, I’m Looney. I read where one of the Cooper’s wives had to go to the state asylum. They went by train and a friend rode with her there. Poor Alvis Cooper was too elderly to make the trip. Said she was dangerous and had been “mad” for years. Who will be willing to ride worth me to the asylum?

Isn’t it nice to have a porch to sit on especially when it’s clean.