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Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday night...

I have not seen JR since he came home from taking Son to Branson...He must be licking his wounds.

Crazy Patsy...the Goat...good thing she had 2 case she looses one at the mall or something like Amanda is planning on when she has kids...Patsy was bawling up in Fleet's yard tonight, I guess she lost the little Nanny for awhile...Heaven only knows. First time mother goats seem to need a rule book. They seem to have a lot of trouble 'misplacing kids.' Like some mothers I have known.

Rained here today about an inch and a half. JR's yard needed it.

Glad Betty's girls are home. Sorry Fleta is missing one tonight.

I have had a lazy day...Cheryl Ann I did get my messy house cleaned this morning....I went yesterday and picked up metal baskets to hang on my wall to put stuff in the bathroom. It looks a lot better now but was a BIG mess yesterday when I was letting all of the Gorilla Glue dry while hanging stuff... waiting to organize. If I have a little mess it is a big one in this small of a space. Cheryl and Hubby came to see me yesterday...I was so please to see them even tho my house was a mess. I just sat and had a good visit.

This morning George went to town to get new tires put on the truck. I went to Fleta's to watch kids....Grand Kids not goat kids...

 I came home and laid down for a short while. Then Fleta came down and we went to Bro's to fill him in on Fleta's work. I spied the horse, Bandit,  in the field from Brothers yard. I did not catch him today.

I am going to take a shower and go to bed.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sleeping in... my foot.....

They all ran off to the river and left me...

So I showed them...I did all of Jr's laundry....3 loads of laundry at Fleta's...cleaned up her house...herded the goats in...BTW one of the had 2 babies this evening, but the little boy may not make it. He was weak and not getting to his Mama...But the 2 kids may not even know she had no big loss....Hard Hearted aren't I....cleaned up my house, ..Mowed my lawn...JR's least half of Fleta's lawn...maybe a little more...Ate potatoes and steak Fleet bought for supper and JR cooked....stole one of JR's beers, stole 2 of Fleta's bananas, while I was cleaning..pulled about a dozen of her radishes and ate them....washed my car...JR put on my new alt...and heater and air module inside the car so it lights up now...still stuck on heat but I can at least turn it off ..THANK YOU JR....waxed the hood of my car and I think it took out some of the scratches...Played with the horse...took him to the pond he had not found yet... Visited with Brother..

It was just a perfect day....


It's Saturday! I tried to call Fleta at one answered...So I walked up there...Seems they are all sleeping in...

Bandit hobbled in the yard...He has been hobbled before I think...I also do not think he has found the pond...Which seems unreal to me. I thought they could smell water...

Meanwhile I guess I will catch him every day and water him out of a 5 gallon bucket. He seems real comfortable with that.

Friday, June 20, 2014


It is pretty easy to see what I got in the mail today....Yes! A new keyboard...all of 11 bucks on EBAY.  AND....I installed it myself! Marvin King will be so proud!

I  turned the horse loose in the pasture last night. You would have thought he had never been loose in a pasture before. Actually I do think if he ever was it was years ago... He walked the fence prancing. Once he even ran a little. He was so happy he did not stop to eat even tho he was belly deep in grass.

This morning I could not see him or call him up to the gate. Hannah and Robert spent last night with me and George had gone to town ...SO.....I loaded all 3 of us up on the tractor and off into the field we went. I had not gone far when I spotted him up against the fence line across from Betty's property. Hannah shook the feed can and he came running. We had to hurry to get back to the gate before him because I had left it open.

The Grand kids are waiting for a ride but I had to fix the computer first. Well....I wanted to anyway. So I'd better get that saddle on him and give the kids a ride....They ride. I walk.

Another great day!

Monday, June 16, 2014

On Fleta's computer again.....

My computer key board is messed up. I called Marvin King,,,,Lazy Bear Computers....he told me where to get a key board but he said if Fleta had an old desk top I could hook up that key board to mine and use it for awhile....I thought Fleta had her old desk top stored in the old house cause there was a big plastic tote labeled Fleta's desk top...No computer in it she lied....But since I was out there I did nose around and find a ton of pictures...

I am posting these because I had forgotten how pretty Fleta was. I pick on her so much I guess I had blocked this period out...I NEVER remember her hair being shoulder length ....and in that bottom picture she looks like Betty, which I never thought she did..

BTW she has a bunch of stuff, pictures, old scrap books, newspaper clippings, a large picture of 2 presidents that look almost like oil paintings....But one is Nixon..LOL Sister Betty would love to dig through that tote.

I gotta put these back and go home. I have things to do...Besides snoop through Fleta's stash.