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Monday, September 8, 2014

Still cool this morning..

I have really enjoyed the past 2 days.

This morning I took my computer and coffee to the front porch and my butt had no more hit the chair and I was back up and in the house. The dead snake will have the front porch all to himself today.

I spoke to Missy this morning and all of the PHX area is flooded. Of course it is a desert so it does not take much rain to flood. If it stops raining by this evening the drive home from work will be fine.
I got online and looked at all of the rain there and it is bad. But Missy got to work with only a little trouble so that was good.

I think JR is home this morning because he worked all night last night.  Maybe I'll call George and check. If he is gone I could do a little cleaning down there.

Betty the stove just looks so good...Thanks again. Yes, there is a plug in for the fan. Gilbert fixed it up right! I have used the couch a lot all ready. It sits so good. besides the rocker is next to the window on the front porch....oooouuuuuhhhh smell!

NOTE: Things to remember...Do not kill a snake and let it die under the porch.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cool weather...

at least yesterday. I think it is supposed to get hot again. Maybe this is the last time.

Well I have done it now. LOL Clayton has had a black snake that lives under his porch for a few years now.  He commented to me several times he tried to shoot it. That may just have been for Kathy's benifit. Maybe Clayton  did not mind the snake. I don't know. But.... 3 mornings ago I got up and when I walked to the kitchen I looked out the front door and saw what looked like a piece of stick sticking out of the large crack in the porch. My first thought was...That Clayton has stuck a stick in there thinking I would think it is a snake and be scared...Some mornings when I wake up I digress and do not think clearly... Fleta says I'm crazy...but as soon as that thought ran throw my head I knew Clayton was not here and it really must be a snake. So I looked closer and saw about 5 inches of a snake was sticking up out of the crack.

Then I thought I would go out and grab it but realized I would have it by the head so how could I whip it's head off if that was what I had ahold of. Then I had the bright idea of getting a butcher knife and I would cut the head off after I grabbed it. I went to the kitchen and got a knife.. Then I thought.... I just get smarter and smarter in my thinking... I have a GUN!

So I got the gun and went to the front door. The snake was still there. I slowly opened the front door and the snake started to slink back in the hole in the porch...and I shot. I thought I shot it but it went back in the crack in the porch and I could not see it..

Then I thought...well, I will know in a few days because it will smell....last night I thought I smelled a whiff of something dead...This morning I think it is a little stronger...If it gets hot today I  will smell snake for sure.LOL

Gilbert is coming over today. I am leaving...HAHA   I have to take the kids to Sunday School. They spent the night with me. Gilbert is going to hang the gas stove Betty gave me. and he is bringing me some pork. Then he has an  iron seat for Fleta's rake and he is putting down her counter top... I will be home by 11:00 so I will see him...And of course the front door to the house is open... So I imagine he will just come in..Our only living brother...

Betty brought me 2 bird houses...Thank you Larry for making them. They are really nice.  But when Hannah saw them last night, she said Grandma has 2 really pretty ones. Apparently Fleta picked out 2 even before I got to see them...HUMH...No one told me...

Betty, I do love the couch...I put the legs on it last night. I do not see any sag, as you said...

The  kids will be up soon. I hope I have moved the pancake mix up to this house. If not I will have to go down to the trailer...Robert will want pancakes....

We 3 will all ride to Coin Church this morning in my 2 seater car. You know it is all dirt road so I guess we will be safe enough. Hannah will love riding in the middle.

I picked a bunch of hot peppers last night. I washed them and just put them in a quart freezer bag and froze them. That is what Clayton use to do. I still have a few he gave me when I first came down here. When I cook beans or something, I just throw one or two in the pot. Betty I have not cooked your okra yet. I think I will cut them up today and freeze it. I will ask Fleta if she wants me to fry her some before I freeze it all.

For supper last night I made pork (from Patsy's) and mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, biscuits,  and we had apple butter. Oh yes and I made brownies....Robert just bragged and bragged on my supper. I put a plastic table cloth down in the floor and we had a picknick.  Both kids thought it was great. Easy to impress kids...I called Emmie and she drove up with her friend and I sent some home with them. It is easier to cook when you have a real kitchen...LOL

 I am sitting on the porch drinking my coffee and I have not seen the crazy Douglass Road walking woman. She must have went out and back in before I got up and out here.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


I took Emmie shopping today and to pick up a friend to spend the night. I went by Michael's and picked up this wreath that I got for 40% off. Lisa Sigmond and some other woman made this throw for Fleta  I am going to display it on this wreath. I am not going to hang it there but I am not quiet sure where as of yet. Maybe over my bed. I also will add a bow I think and maybe some dried flowers. Not sure yet. It is a work in progress.
 Sister Betty brought me this great leather couch. It is so comfortable. I  just love it. Erin, Betty, George, Fleta, and I could not get it through the living room door. It took Jr about 3 minutes to get it in all by himself. Brains and brawn... Anyway...Thank you Betty and Erin.
Fleta let me have Daddy's rocker. I sit in it all of the time. She told me she would want it back one day so I could not die in it. She said if I felt like I was going to die I needed to go lay in the bath tub. That would be the best place.  She is a very compassionate person.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I have been cleaaning and organizing. I  still have most of my stuff down in the trailer. I have  put away the things I have here. The kitchen is cleaned and the Bathroom is cleaned. I worked on the back porch yesterday. I think that made me feel much better getting that done.

I love being able to call the horse up and get him  in the yard. He is so pretty. He is just the best horse.

Clayton had old pens all over the side of the yard. George pushed over all of the hutches and then came yesterday and piled them all up in a burn pile. It looks so much better.

There is one old pen that is a real mess. Clayton had turkeys in it at one time. He had 4 steel posts and put wire around that. He then  tied the wire to the posts with bailing wire. Each post had about 6 ties on them. Then he added 10 foot 2X4's wired to the steel  posts. Sticking up in the air.  He had wire added up to the top of the posts. Then he put wire over the top of all of that mess. He wired all of the pieces together, with bailing wire,  about every 4 inches, maybe even closer. It was a lot of wireing together for sure! Not to mention there is now trees growing through the wire. Then he made a short pen coming off that pen. I told Fleta yesterday George had said he would like to try to keep the wire on this mess. I told her it looked a lot easier to just push it down and burn it. I did not know what we would ever use the wire for.....Then she said the majic word...TOMATOES....we could use it next year to fence the goats out of the tomatoes. So last night I got out there in all of the weeds and cut wires. I now have the first piece of wire pulled from around the steel posts and it is laying in the yard. Hopefully we will have tomatoes next year...

I am not sure what I will do today...Maybe nothing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Oh it is a beautiful morning...God has blessed me today. I have all ready been able to do several chores. Thank goodness. I have slept for the past 2 days way more than any normal person should!

JR moved my flower thought up here by my porch. What a joy it is to look at it.'

Pat sent some tomatoes down here with Fleta. She shared with me. Along with what I all ready had I was able to can 3 quarts. I wish I had 50. I love tomatoes and I put them in almost everything I cook.

I have finally figured out where to put some things in Clayton's kitchen. You see the problem is he built that kitchen just for him. I can barely reach the edge of the bottom shelf of the top cabinets.  He had a flat block on the kitchen and I covered it with a dish towells and now I can easily reach the bottom shelf. where I put my cups, glasses, plates and bowls. Then on the side by the stove he has a small cheap stool that I am going to reinforce and use it over there so I can reach canned goods and baking needs.