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Thursday, September 4, 2014


I have been cleaaning and organizing. I  still have most of my stuff down in the trailer. I have  put away the things I have here. The kitchen is cleaned and the Bathroom is cleaned. I worked on the back porch yesterday. I think that made me feel much better getting that done.

I love being able to call the horse up and get him  in the yard. He is so pretty. He is just the best horse.

Clayton had old pens all over the side of the yard. George pushed over all of the hutches and then came yesterday and piled them all up in a burn pile. It looks so much better.

There is one old pen that is a real mess. Clayton had turkeys in it at one time. He had 4 steel posts and put wire around that. He then  tied the wire to the posts with bailing wire. Each post had about 6 ties on them. Then he added 10 foot 2X4's wired to the steel  posts. Sticking up in the air.  He had wire added up to the top of the posts. Then he put wire over the top of all of that mess. He wired all of the pieces together, with bailing wire,  about every 4 inches, maybe even closer. It was a lot of wireing together for sure! Not to mention there is now trees growing through the wire. Then he made a short pen coming off that pen. I told Fleta yesterday George had said he would like to try to keep the wire on this mess. I told her it looked a lot easier to just push it down and burn it. I did not know what we would ever use the wire for.....Then she said the majic word...TOMATOES....we could use it next year to fence the goats out of the tomatoes. So last night I got out there in all of the weeds and cut wires. I now have the first piece of wire pulled from around the steel posts and it is laying in the yard. Hopefully we will have tomatoes next year...

I am not sure what I will do today...Maybe nothing.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Don't you feel so much better when you are doing. It is such a good feeling to accomplish a task. I have not seen the bathroom or the back bedroom so those will be a surprise. I am getting excited but sad..get ready for me to really cry, cry cry.