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Monday, August 11, 2014


I am up at Fleta's. She has gone to Harrison. She is expecting George to come home today. Greg worked last night so I thought he would want to sleep. But he is awake. He says he is not going to bed. I guess I am here just making sure. He made the kids breakfast and cleaned it all up. I was a little hungry but I did not make it up here in time to eat, so I had a piece of whole wheat bread. Oh well. Emmie is up here too. She keeps opening the frig and looking...I think she is locked in on pickles now....Yes she has..

 Yesterday Hannah found a bug on the porch...
 I thought Patsy would like this picture...
I have 2 tomatoes starting to turn...I hope they are not really yellow tomatoes... I hope they are just on the way to red...

I walked down to the pond on my side of the road. We used to call it the little pond...Not  to be confused with the low spot just past Clayton's house where the water ran across the road. In this picture, I am standing on the pond bank shooting towards Floyd's fence.

Friday, August 8, 2014

It's Fleta's half day...

I am off to get the rest of Emmie's shots in Branson.

It looks as if it might rain...We could always use it in August.

We have had a very mild summer. I am thinking we will have a mild winter...No use borrowing trouble.

I am having my coffee and a protein bar to help my vitamins stay down.

Em's ready gotta go!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday...Rainy Day

I woke up early this morning and all of a sudden I heard rain drops on my tin roof...Then all of a sudden it was pouring....After about 15 minutes I heard loud thunder and all of the rain stopped. It started raining again...slowly...

With the rain and cooler weather the Humming Birds are really after some sugar water. I refilled it this morning. I have soooo many...

I was lying in the bed this morning and I remembered once years ago....It was one summer and Clayton was working on the farm for Eldridge.  I think it would have been about the time I was in 9th grade. I was riding around in Clayton's work truck and he had a tape recorder. I am not sure how or why. We parked in the shade and Clayton said he was going  to announce a basket ball game right then and there. He got a tablet and he drew a basketball court. On each side of the drawing he wrote the opposing team players, their positions, and jersey numbers. Then he started talking into the tape recorder. It was one of those little 8 track things...well, not little like hand held but little like the size of a radio. He started off announcing what teams were playing, their win losses and started with the line ups. It did sound just like I was listening to a real radio announcer. As the game began Clayton would move his pencil to different places on the court as the players dribbled, passed, and shot the ball....Sometimes it was nothing but net...Other times it was in-an-out.....I was not all that old, a young teenager, but I remember thinking he sounded so good. Just like listening to a real game. My, he loved basketball!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I think..

Yesterday I took Emmy to Branson for school shots. They were not real agreeable with Grandma taking her in but did finally give her 2 shots....but she needs 2 more they did not give.....soooooo they are going to get the pleasure of seeing me again! I do not mind at all.

We also got her all signed up for school and today we have a hair appointment for 12:30. She had her hair purple and now wants it brown...Fleta said she would just make her wear it purple or cut it off....She is so mean..LOL It's JR's dime , I will take her to have it done. But we never  have to worry about Hannah going to a beauty shop and getting purple hair. At least until she can pay for it.

Hummers are eating this morning and I am sitting out on the porch with Pat's lap top. I don't know what I would do without it.

I have been reading. Nothing very good, I hate to say....But still I read them. The best book I picked up was a book by Brad Parks. He writes murder mysteries...This is the first one I ever read. I do like the way he writes. I am going back to the library today. I may look for some more of his...But really I should not be reading.  I need to be making bird houses.

Uhhhh after 8 gotta call the health dept.

Monday, August 4, 2014


happy anniversary!