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Monday, August 11, 2014


I am up at Fleta's. She has gone to Harrison. She is expecting George to come home today. Greg worked last night so I thought he would want to sleep. But he is awake. He says he is not going to bed. I guess I am here just making sure. He made the kids breakfast and cleaned it all up. I was a little hungry but I did not make it up here in time to eat, so I had a piece of whole wheat bread. Oh well. Emmie is up here too. She keeps opening the frig and looking...I think she is locked in on pickles now....Yes she has..

 Yesterday Hannah found a bug on the porch...
 I thought Patsy would like this picture...
I have 2 tomatoes starting to turn...I hope they are not really yellow tomatoes... I hope they are just on the way to red...

I walked down to the pond on my side of the road. We used to call it the little pond...Not  to be confused with the low spot just past Clayton's house where the water ran across the road. In this picture, I am standing on the pond bank shooting towards Floyd's fence.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

That valley used to be really big. And that pond by your house used to be so much larger....or I was smaller?