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Thursday, May 18, 2023

A beautiful Thursday

 I’m not done much today, but I sure have enjoyed this day. It has been beautiful.

I finally did make my good oatmeal cookies last night and had to my coffee this morning and they were excellent well worth the wait since I’ve been wanting to make them for I don’t know I think two weeks but they are delicious

I was looking back through the blog today trying to find a picture of my house or Jr’s house because Amanda needed one for her Scougle somehow I’m not sure what was going on so I was looking back to my blog cause I didn’t find one on the my photos right off And trying to search. I ran a couple of funny stories that have been posted in the past one of them was from sister Patsy I don’t know. I think she had my password and so she just posted it on mine but it was a it was in titled story story story and it was stories are told from your point of view and she had three different points of view. One was from Tony had told her one was from Gilbert and the other west from me and it wasa hoot to reread. 

Tony started off and sad and Helen stole the neighbors dog. It was a pretty German Shepherd and so she wanted to keep it but it kept wondering the way every time she took it off the chain and she was afraid to go back home and she didn’t want to let it do that she thought about getting it neutered, but thought it would be a shame to neuter such a fine looking German Shepherd, so she call brother Gilbert brother Gilbert hustled right over to pick it up cause he’s thinking oh I can find a female we can get pups and sell pups and keep one for myself so he called Kelly. Kelly always wanted to make a buck is thinking wow we can sell these pups for $300 apiece and still keep one for each of us , so he hunts around with all of his friends and he finally locates a female German Shepherd. He called up Powell to tell him about it and Gilbert said well I noticed the dog is already been neutered. Kelly was mad because he spent a lotta time looking for a female , plus he figures he lost close to $2000 by the pope said he could sell so he was very disappointed. Now that was probably the most true version of the story. Next sister Patsy said the story from brother Gilbert’s point of you.

Helen had a dog that kept showing up in her yard and tied it up because she wanted to keep it. She didn’t know who’s it was it was it beautiful shirt German Shepherd mayor she said she could get it fixed but it cost quite a bit and she didn’t really have the money to have it done but she figured if she got it fixed, it would stay home and she wouldn’t have to keep it on the chain But she decided to call me thought I might want it so I hustle right over there now I noticed right away that it is already been neutered but I didn’t want to tell her that and it was a pretty dog so I went ahead and took it home with me  And I have the dog at my house and it is a good dog 

The third story that Patsy wrote was supposed to be from my point of you and it started out and said I found this dog in my yard that really liked me and so I kept him and I figured I needed to tie up because he would probably run off from me And I knew I could get him neutered and he would stay closer to home but I thought waterways because it is a beautiful German Shepherd so I called brother Gilbert to see if he would like to have it because I knew that was far enough away he wouldn’t wander off and try to go back somewhere else brother Gilbert hustled ride over here to pick him up  And I thought well it’s nice that the dog has a good home and I was just so thankful that I didn’t take it to the vet cause I realized it had already been neutered. 

Sister Patsy could share see all sides of the situation

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

This day

 In 1937 my parents were married. So long ago. Mom was only 16 years old. 

More rain again today but it’s supposed to clear off after that.

I’ll wash the car Wednesday or maybe this afternoon. I won’t have to drive anywhere the rest of the week  and maybe when I do the puddles we’ll be gone. 

I’m still wanting to make oatmeal cookies but I do not have dates or coconut and I love both in my oatmeal cookies. I’ll be going to town soon and I’ll try to remember to pick some up. 

It’s cooler today but it’s a beautiful day. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Rain rain rain…

 But I knew it was coming. I looked last week and it was supposed to rain for like 10 days straight. It looks like rain right now and it’s still supposed to rain tomorrow. Fleta and I have tomato plants to put out but I remember one year they drowned we had so much rain, so I’m not sure that I’ll get out there and do anything I need to dig some grass and weeds out of the bed dear sister brought me a good bag of miracle grow soil, so maybe they’ll do all right who knows. 

Our yard looks good Gregory mowed it right before the rain started a couple of days ago the peonies have bloomed in they’ve all gone away. I still have some irises out there that are blooming and I have some zanies coming up from last year where I’m gonna put the tomato bed this year again, you know I have to try and feed the deer there. That’s what happened the last time.

I made beans and rice today to eat. I love both of them now I’ve got a find something to put those leftovers in so it doesn’t ruin and I have some food I bought today. I still need to put away all I took care of with the freezer and refrigerator stuff. And I’m determined to make some cookies today. I’ve been wanting to for a few days but just haven’t got to get up and go yet but I am wanting some oatmeal cookies so badly, I also have lots of peanut butter. I guess I could make both the last peanut butter ones I made I cooked for too long and they were not very good. You know how that goes do you win some you lose some. 

It is been a beautiful day. I think it’s about 85 it’s not been hot in the house. I haven’t even turn the fan on. Took the hotspot back today and picked it back up for Fleta. You know I use it for both of us. I appreciate that.

Fleta said over memorial day weekend she’s going to see Betty asked if I wanted to go I told her no she’s really no fun to go with and then when we get down there I am Betty just talk about dead people dead dead dead…

Astrid had her wedding party yesterday and it all looks so nice her and Laura Jean are very talented about planning things and it just looked wonderful. I love the way Laura made a cake out of three different size pans of cinnamon rolls. It was such a cute idea of course Asti looked very charming in her little white dress kind of a son Gozie dress. It was very cute, Laura Jean had one picture with her and her teacher friend Amy and she was grinning so big. I hope she had a wonderful wonderful, blessed day. 

It’s kind of amazing how the rain has not bothered me even though it’s been several days usually I’m like oh it’s raining again but it’s really not been any big deal. I’ve kind of enjoyed it. Lightning hit the house yesterday. I have a plug-in on the outside of the house that is a 220 that Clayton put in there for a big air conditioning unit that he always used. I was sitting here on the couch and I heard the lightning hit it. By the time I jumped up and ran outside. The plug was smoking and about to set the window sill on fire, I threw the breaker right fast, and through some water on the socket then I called Jr and asked him to come and cut the wire , he come up here and did it. I’ll have to contact Kelly and ask him to re-wire it but as I told Fleta I’m gonna wait till he sells this bunch of chickens because he’ll have me over there picking up dead chickens to make up for him working over here and I’d lot rather pick up a little ones the bigger ones . 

I was right it’s 5 o’clock and starting to sprinkle. I think I’ll go sit in Betty swing for a little bit and just enjoy the coolness.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

I’m not as good as I once was

 This is been really true the last two weeks I did the flowers last week it took me a think about 15 hours at the gravesite to get them made, and I didn’t do nearly as many as I usually do so I worked on them  2 days

Then Thursday and Wednesday I cleaned Jr’s house. It took me a long time. I don’t even know how long I’ll bet it took me six or seven hours at least usually when I used to do his house a few years ago, took me three hours to get it done I had to stay down there to do laundry much longer than that but just to clean the house I could do it in three hours , no more.

Then I noticed this last legs and knees are swelling. I guess Betty’s right I need to get out and start walking taking that cane with me.

I went to see Frankie today. I had the most wonderful time. He is really a good Christian man and I am thankful that he is my cousin.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Well, it’s a Monday

 It’s rained a lot this weekend and I’ve had to drive my car some and I not washed it today. I should’ve washed iso tonight at about 830. I was laying here feeling bad because I had not done that and I thought oh phooey I feel fine the weather tonight is not to cold. I’m gonna drive it out in the front yard and wash it I bought some really good soap and wax for it about a week ago so I got to use that I took the wonderful floor mats out, scrub them down dried them off they had gotten muddy instead of vacuuming i just pulled them out and use the scrub brush dried them off real good that worked great  and I had Washed the glass with Windex spray Windex in a cam and hopefully there’s not a whole bunch of smears, but it’s kind of hard to tell at night, but it’s gotta be better than it was.

I also hemmed a  bunch of jeans for sister Fleta today put my sewing machine away. I’d had it out because I’ve made a thing or two for the house so I got that done. I have this big piece of foam that Fleta gave me that is really really nice and I didn’t want to get rid of it, but I had no place for it finally in a quilt completely and I have been successful and shoving it under my bed. They’ll be no room for dust bunnies because I tell you it is from the floor to the bottom of my boxsprings but if I ever need it, it’s there.

Got to see Emmy a couple of times this week. That was nice. She’s looking really good. She has straight A’s in all her classes, hip hip. Hooray she seems to be happy and doing fine.

Gregory and the two boys come up yesterday and took all the blocks. Well not all but a bunch of the blocks from daddies barn down there and put them around my area where I’m going to burn that I had tilled  around and made a little gully. oh, it’s so nice I just love it and I love the big pieces of cement s there. I haven’t looked for the one yet that has Richard Powell written on it, but it might be in there in the mix. .

I didn’t clean up the kitchen today. I need to work on the back room tomorrow. I think I’ll do that and vacuum all the floors and mop them. I sure need it and I think I’m going to make an angel food cake from scratch simply because I want one Fleta doesn’t like the ones from scratch as well so maybe I won’t have to share.

Fleta made soup for us Sunday oh it was so good I ate the last of it today. I might make her kids spaghetti tomorrow I’ll text her at work and see if she has any plans tomorrow. I still have a little cough but it’s different than what it was I just can’t hardly explain it. It’s kind of a dry

Look close and u can see g no ew growth from the ground si the rose is not completely dead
Hannah and Eliseo was her this afternoon apparently they used my phone when I was not looking I have a bout a dozen pics like this
Patsy’s irises from her old home plac
cough And my nose runs but it’s clear they said I need some allergy medicine like Allegra or something else I forget anyway I didn’t have any Fleta didn’t have any and I’m not going back to Walmart so in the meantime I’m doing without Ann doing pretty good 

. The medicine for my knees have worked wonders when they start to hurt. I just put a little on usually once a day and then I do it at night when I lay down because they always hurt when I lay down and then I have trouble getting to sleep.

Well, I’ve got a clean car. I guess I can sleep in peace hope it’s pretty tomorrow. The weather I mean not my car although I do love my car.