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Monday, May 1, 2023

Well, it’s a Monday

 It’s rained a lot this weekend and I’ve had to drive my car some and I not washed it today. I should’ve washed iso tonight at about 830. I was laying here feeling bad because I had not done that and I thought oh phooey I feel fine the weather tonight is not to cold. I’m gonna drive it out in the front yard and wash it I bought some really good soap and wax for it about a week ago so I got to use that I took the wonderful floor mats out, scrub them down dried them off they had gotten muddy instead of vacuuming i just pulled them out and use the scrub brush dried them off real good that worked great  and I had Washed the glass with Windex spray Windex in a cam and hopefully there’s not a whole bunch of smears, but it’s kind of hard to tell at night, but it’s gotta be better than it was.

I also hemmed a  bunch of jeans for sister Fleta today put my sewing machine away. I’d had it out because I’ve made a thing or two for the house so I got that done. I have this big piece of foam that Fleta gave me that is really really nice and I didn’t want to get rid of it, but I had no place for it finally in a quilt completely and I have been successful and shoving it under my bed. They’ll be no room for dust bunnies because I tell you it is from the floor to the bottom of my boxsprings but if I ever need it, it’s there.

Got to see Emmy a couple of times this week. That was nice. She’s looking really good. She has straight A’s in all her classes, hip hip. Hooray she seems to be happy and doing fine.

Gregory and the two boys come up yesterday and took all the blocks. Well not all but a bunch of the blocks from daddies barn down there and put them around my area where I’m going to burn that I had tilled  around and made a little gully. oh, it’s so nice I just love it and I love the big pieces of cement s there. I haven’t looked for the one yet that has Richard Powell written on it, but it might be in there in the mix. .

I didn’t clean up the kitchen today. I need to work on the back room tomorrow. I think I’ll do that and vacuum all the floors and mop them. I sure need it and I think I’m going to make an angel food cake from scratch simply because I want one Fleta doesn’t like the ones from scratch as well so maybe I won’t have to share.

Fleta made soup for us Sunday oh it was so good I ate the last of it today. I might make her kids spaghetti tomorrow I’ll text her at work and see if she has any plans tomorrow. I still have a little cough but it’s different than what it was I just can’t hardly explain it. It’s kind of a dry

Look close and u can see g no ew growth from the ground si the rose is not completely dead
Hannah and Eliseo was her this afternoon apparently they used my phone when I was not looking I have a bout a dozen pics like this
Patsy’s irises from her old home plac
cough And my nose runs but it’s clear they said I need some allergy medicine like Allegra or something else I forget anyway I didn’t have any Fleta didn’t have any and I’m not going back to Walmart so in the meantime I’m doing without Ann doing pretty good 

. The medicine for my knees have worked wonders when they start to hurt. I just put a little on usually once a day and then I do it at night when I lay down because they always hurt when I lay down and then I have trouble getting to sleep.

Well, I’ve got a clean car. I guess I can sleep in peace hope it’s pretty tomorrow. The weather I mean not my car although I do love my car.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Love hearing abt what you are up to.