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Monday, January 27, 2025

Warmer yippee!

Today is a much prettier day than we have had in a long time. I still have not done much outside, but just knowing it's warmer helps me do more inside. I love the sunshine in the windows.

I have been crocheting on the blanket today. I kind of put that away for a few days because it just didn't seem to be going right. I was having a hard time holding onto the crochet hook. I finally realized that the crochet hook was bent just a little bit. That was causing a big problem with holding it. It wasn't bent badly, but you could see it if you placed it on a flat surface. So I fished around today and found another hook the very same size as the one I was using. This one was not bent, and it made things a lot easier. I have crocheted several rows today.

I took all of my indoor plants and put them in the bathtub and watered them all really well. They really needed a big drink. By putting them in the tub, I can just water them a lot and let it drain out. That way, I know that they're good to go for a while. I can't wait until springtime.

I have some lettuce growing in my grow container in the house. It doesn't take much for it to grow for me to have a little salad. I especially like using store-bought lettuce and then a little bit of my fresh lettuce. It really makes a salad taste great.

I made a loaf of sourdough bread yesterday. Now I did not cheat and add a little yeast in with it. It looked pretty when it was done and it tasted wonderful. I cut it while it was still hot. It did not seem to make it flatter or anything, so I was glad of that. I used a thermometer in it to make sure that it was the correct temperature and was really done. I think I'm going to go in there in a while and get me a piece toasted in the oven and then add a little bit of Philadelphia cream cheese on it. That sounds really good to me.

The bread appears slightly distorted in the picture, but it is not actually flat. The reason for the distortion is unclear.

Fleta stopped by on her way home from work. I gave her some of my delicious oatmeal cookies. They were the best I have made in years. I doubt that she appreciated them as much as they deserved.

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