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Monday, April 3, 2023

Waiting on the children


I often take the kids to school and pick them up because Kimberly works from home and is usually on the phone today. She’s been on a meeting from seven and it will last till two so they just have a half-day today. I’m glad.

When I get them we’re going to Walmart I want to buy California duster for my little car cause it’s got dust on it. I used to use one of those all the time and Bill said it would be good to get.. Also go on there I’m gonna buy those great big shells and I’m going to make stuffed shells and cheese for supper. I don’t know if anyone will eat them, but me I’ll also make a salad, but Kimberly has all the stuff for that.

After we get out of Walmart, we’re going to Burger King. I’m going to feed the kids or let them go in and eat. They love getting their frozen ice cream stuff and sticking their french fries in it. Kind of makes me wanna gag but they both like doing it.

I spent most of the morning patching I had made her the cloth material has just about rotted away. I zigzagged up some holes and then on some I just made new patches does so on top of the previous 8 inch patches that were on there. It doesn’t look real good but at least the stuff in stock coming out then I threw it in the washing machine. It definitely needed it. I’m sure she hadn’t been able to wash it in a long time because all the incise were coming out. 

Lexi had another volleyball tournament yesterday. It lasted from two in the afternoon till 9 o’clock at night. I screamed by  self horse again they won three games added to Lexi blocked a couple right at the net. She scored a couple of other points by serving I think if she practiced she would be really good, she has all sorts of excuses for not practicing at home but now her daddy is put her up Annette and her papa Tom that lives right there with them bought her a new volleyball and socks for her birthday so I don’t see much excuse left now 

Seth and I finished up the yard yesterday. It looks so good you know he’s only And he doesn’t like doing yardwork so he just halfway does it he had done it the day before and he didn’t weedeater anything any only mowed about the middle of the yard. He didn’t get within three and 3 feet of the edges so we did all that yesterday picked up three tractor, scoop loads of rock and sticks, and threw in the dumpster, he flattened out all the Amazon boxes that need to be burned and I mean there was a stack as big as my shed. I had him do it with the tractor bucket and I just kept throwing them under there and he pound them down. it worked great. I think I’m gonna sit out there and burn them tonight. I like doing that  I could do it when we get home but I think I’d rather wait till about dark anyway we won’t have to tear them all up to try to get them in because they are squished down. 

The Grandest went home yesterday. Kenzie text me. They were home by 2 o’clock. Oh I so enjoyed her and when I was the only one around, she was quiet clingy to me but of course, when mom or dad showed back up, that was the end of that she loved the Easter egg hunt, she couldn’t even take time to pick him up for pointing out another one and running off to it and then she’d see another one and runoff to it. It was just a hoot. 

I didn’t do an Easter egg hunt for the older kids, because Austin informed me that he makes real money now he doesn’t need to hunt an egg to get a dollar. Then once they got over here, they were all mad that I had not had the eggs for them Too bad how sad 

I hope Fleta is doing much much better. I’m having a great time. It’s nice to have a bigger room all to myself with a huge projection screen to watch whatever I want cause they have everything on the TV. I don’t think they pay for everything they have, but they have a lot of friends and they share. 

I washed my car the other day. I’ve been wanting to do it for a week but I’ve been kind of sick this way. I got to see where all the scratches and little dents are so I can kind of keep an eye on it when I run into something new, all know it.

Week before this, Lexi had a two day tournament that I went to and one of the fathers there really remind me of someone I used to know closely he screamed and had fits got onto everyone in Jim and yelling at the little coach, which is just a college girl I think had her bawling But I slipped around and found the people running the event and they said that he would either have to come in and apologize to everyone or be escorted out. He was escorted out and now his daughter is off the team which I feel bad about because it’s her father’s fault , but between you and me she wasn’t a good player so I don’t feel too awful bad and he can get her on another team and he can scream and yell at them and cuss cussing in front of these little 13 year old girls, and believe it or not my lexas has not ever been treated that way and she was just about to crawl in a hole she was so scared of him I was not at all as a matter fact, when I got in his face, I said I really wish you just hit me. Some man got between us and shuffled him off and then the man come back and apologize for him and said oh I should’ve known when I seen his vein bulging out on his neck that he was too upset and I thought yeah , that’s when you should’ve took out your pocket knife and slit it as you can see I’ve not gotten much nicer we are all glad he is gone. 

Are used my speaker to type this, so try to figure out what I was trying to say with all the errors

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Glad you posted. Sounds like you are having a grand old time. Wrenley is so pretty. I love her slender legs. She maybe tall.