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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Aw things to look forward to

 Next Monday is supposed to be 75°. I am ready.

Emily has not been here all week and she won’t be till Saturday. And Saturday she’s only coming by to get clean clothes cause she’s going to Colorado for a trip with her brother. I’m not sure when Lanes gonna get here but I hope we get to see him. She’s going to drive out with him, and then she’ll fly back alone.

I got to tell Fleta the news today because she never knows anything she doesn’t ask for some reason she seems to think a lot of things aren’t her business. I can’t imagine that.

My kids bought me a newer vehicle. It’s an 07 Chrysler PT cruiser. In the pictures it looks almost brand new. I’m getting excited to get it. I’m going to drive the old jeep out to Arizona. I’m taken two Cedar chess one for Lexi and one for Benjamin‘s graduation present, plus I’m taking a pig 

I leave on a Wednesday I’m not sure which Wednesday but it needs to be a Wednesday. I would like to be there during the time that Mackenzie is there with the Grandest. They all said he has room that I can sleep at his house so that will be nice, oh I hope it’s warm out. I bet the orange blossoms are blooming. 

I am still using my phone to speak in and then it types what I say that’s why the words are not always correct and usually I don’t even bother to proofread it anymore. I figure people are probably smart enough to understand what I mean to say no matter what my phone says I’m saying.

Fleta said she cook some of the sausage from my pig. It was pretty good. Greg made the great ole  big ribs. I’m not sure how he got them cut down the size but he did …unless he used a saw. I’m not sure he’s eaten the bacon I sent yet, but I bet he has.

Emily is really excited to get to see her brother. I am not surprised they are very close.

Well, I have had several days of not doing much nothing the weather was really pretty Monday. Yesterday was better than today, but I’m trying not to complain too much. It’s pretty hard to do.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

I enjoy your talking posts. Keep it up.