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Monday, December 17, 2018


It's only a few days for Christmas my goodness I'm not even put up a tree if I don't get some decorations up before the kids come they're going to know I'm really really sick... I have never done this before in my life ...

I went to the library the other day and got some books on my that is my downfall so I've been reading there's only three of them so I assume they'll be done by this weekend ... Let's hope cuz I really need to do some things.

I made some lye soap I had bought bath oil in my favorite fragrance of Estee Lauder...youth Dew... and I used in the soap so I hope the fragrance stays... a bar of Estee Lauder youth Dew bath soap is 15 bucks I've got like 20 of them sitting in my back room drying out... So far they smell really good we'll see how it goes.

Fleta is getting ready to go to Japan she's all anxious to go . I hope she has the best time. She will love seeing her oldest grandboy and that's great. Will miss her here on the farm. But not too much.

I love the pig meat I got it is absolutely wonderful so tender so fat... it is the best one I have raised so far. They were short and fat. I was a little disappointed in that but the meat is absolutely excellent.

Kris and the kids are coming a couple of days after Christmas and they will take most of it home with them I'm sure least I hope ... tis the season ....
God bless everyone.

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