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Friday, December 14, 2018

Pig meat...

I picked up mine and fleta Hogs today all the meat was done. Fleta got about 289 lb of meat and I got like 301. I could not fit all of mine in my deep freeze and I took a little over to Gilbert for him to store or for him to eat whichever comes first or maybe I should say whichever comes last. I got home and I left a ham steak out now this is fresh ham steak and it was so tender I cooked a piece of it about the size of my hand. The ham steak this one is the size of two dinner plates. There was a round bone in there less than a 50-cent piece. The hams have lots of meat and very little bone.

I'm sure that some of the meat will get sent home with MacKenzie for Missy and Benjamin and for Uncle Bill and his family. Some will get home with Kris for her and her family.

It has been misting and raining for a couple of days but thank goodness it is not cold.

Saturday we will have our play for the coin Church. I am sure fleta and I will be fabulous.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Glad you are eating high on the to speak.