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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday...after trouble-sum Tuesday

Believe it or not  when I brought the pork into the house yesterday it did not look to bad. There was a layer of black crisp but it did not smell burnt....under the black layer it was nice smoked meat. I poured the OJ on the roast while I had wrapped it in heavy foil, set the oven at 225 and finished it off in the oven. Everyone loved it.

But the bigger problem which I did not mention yesterday got so hot it burned the coating off the smoker ....and after Darrel got home and checked it out it also ruined the temp setting controller...or it messed up which caused it to burn...anyway before Darrel even knew about it I called treager and it is under warranty for another year. They sent me a link and I am to take pictures and fill out a form and the girl said it is covered... it will not cost anything.... and this happens a lot. As a matter of fact they have redesigned some things to prevent this. So Darrel was not upset even before he knew this...He said he was wanting a new one because the new one he can control from his smart phone.  This one was only 600, which is a lot, but I thought it was about 3K...

After I called on the tregger I called the ins company about a new windshield in the Suburban...It is cracked bad...Then I had to call a glass company. Those calls took about an hour of phone time...

Then just as soon as I had this roast mess cleaned up I had a call from Amanda's school and I had to go pick her up....Then Kenzie called and she was at her nursing program in Everett...30 minutes away ....and she was sick. I was still out getting Amanda...So I had to locate Kenzie's school and pick her up...I took her to urgent care and got a referral to a GYN doc. She has very bad cramping each month and I want something done about this before I leave this time. And when I say bad I do mean BAD!

Today a  glass guy is coming to replace the windshield in Kenzie's burb that she drives. Amanda and Jake are going to school soon school. Kris and Mike have been gone a long time. I am not sure about Kenzie but she has pain pills and I can drive her. She has late start today but she needs up soon and we will see if she goes to school.

Me...I am just going to take a good breath today because yesterday did me in...


Galla Creek said...

Wow, lots of excitement out your way. more smokin' for you...only Darrell can smoke.

Galla Creek said...

Hope you have a great weekend with your family.

Love you.