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Monday, May 11, 2015

Wood Cabinet Cleaner

I found something that would take the gunk off the kitchen cabinets ,,,AS SEEN ON TV...Amish wood Milk....Made by dutch glow...Ever since I moved into this house I have been trying to find something to clean the cabinets...I have tried everything I could think on Ammonia, Dawn, Mr Clean, Mr Clean white pads, Tooth brush, Bleach, you name it nothing worked, until today...I was at the $ store and saw this cleaner. It cost 10 bucks and it is only 12 oz. I thought if it does not work I am taking it back...It worked. The cabinets were so bad gonked up I sometimes had to use a knife to get one open...Now they are slick and not sticky at all...Yippee..

I made chicken and egg noodles and an Angel food cake today..Plus cleaned the house. The sun came out this afternoon and turned out to be a pretty day. I used my washer and dryer today. It worked pretty good.

I filled my Humming Bird feeders today and I put red food coloring in them. I don't see what it could hurt really. Maybe I will get on the net and find out why they say not to use it. Reguardless, I am not dumping them out.

I also cleared out a little more grass along the fence...It is slow go for me to do that.

Oh, and I went over by Stones and picked some peonies out of the grave yard...But don't tell anyone cause that was not to nice...But I am enjoying them so much more than the dead people....The whole house smells good...


Galla Creek said...

I wonder why red dye would be bad for a teen tiny little bird?

I think u should dig up a peonie!!

Larry hates that gunk on cabinets, I need to clean the oak ones in the other hous!

Galla Creek said...

I don't have to remember the name of the cleaner...when I am ready to clean the cabinets over there...all I have to do is search for blog for cabinet cleaner!

I really love the Blogs. When we are all dead, everyone can read them and say " all those Sisters were CRAZY!

Winnie said...

Tomorrow I will give the memorial service for my dear has been a rough day for me...lots of crying😢