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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Lucky Day!

For 2 weeks now I have not had my "Magic Pills." My pain was getting worse and worse. For the last 4 days my feet felt like they were broken. Yes, broken. Since I have had a broken foot I know broken. I only had 1 pill left here and I knew I was going to have to have it right before I left or I would not be able to even walk to the plane....
Then yesterday when I was getting stuff ready to pack and send I found 20 pills...Yes 20....enough for 20 weeks!
Believe me I took one that minute and by 10 last night my pain in my joints were so much better!
Today the pain is almost gone! So I have a lot of plans today.
I walked around and snapped a few pictures and although it is not sunny yet it is supposed to be later today...Not just today but for the next week it is to be sunny every day...
I am posting several pictures...this is the day it will take and hour for Clayton's computer to load..
 Mike had a game 2 weeks ago. This is one of the shots Kris took. He plays right field.

These little white flowers are by Kris's front door. They smell so good. If you pick one and put it in the house it makes the whole house smell good!
 All of the rose bushes are leafing out...This is my least favorite. It is a yellow one and only has a few blooms each year.
 This is the Starlit Magnolia Kris planted. It does not smell good like a regular Magnolia tree. Kris has a regular Magnolia Tree planted in the yard down close to the fence row. I am not sure you can see it in this shot... BTW I wonder how the Magnolia tree in ole man (thinking...) ...That is so awful I can not think of his name..(the one armed man that used to work for Carroll  Electric)...Up the road from Meeks.  Pat rented a house from him when I was in second grade...Wait let me squeeze my left hand to make my brain work...Yes!....Orrell...Ole man Orrell's yard... May 4th on the drive home from the air port I am checking his yard....If the Magnolia tree is in Bloom, I am stealing one  of those blooms off that big tree...Get ready Greg you are going to have to Boost me over the fence. I do remember there is a fence around his yard...
 Picture of the limb on the apple tree..A Washington Apple (someday)
 Kris and I planted about 150  bulbs a few weeks ago.....Some are coming up.

Picking up more glass...I will never get it all. Darrel decided to just cover it with flagstone...Good idea!

 burn pile

Ivy grows wild all ofver the yard...I dug up some and put in pots...

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Oh, the yard is so luscious. I enjoyed the walk. I know about the hurting. My toes and feet and the bottom of my feet hurt a lot. Glad you have a magic pill. All I have is aleve and I don't take it unless it is unbearable.