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Monday, April 7, 2014

Still Searching...

The death toll is now at 30 for the OSO land slide. There are still known bodies that have not been found.  It is easy to see why bodies are still missing when you look at this mess. I wonder if they will have to give up searching and just start clean up. The road up there is still closed. Some residents are having to walk a mile to get back and forth to their homes. They have to carry in food and water, They are talking about trying to make a new road around the slide. Who knows what will happen. This is about 10 miles from Kris's house.

This weekend Kenzie and Amanda and I went to the Mall and then out to eat. Amanda said it was 'the best day ever!' But Amanda has a lot of days when she says that. It is good to have that many Great Days EVER!

While we were out we went to Amanda's favorite store, Clair's. She was going to buy more earrings but then she saw some makeup that was in a case and the case looked like a purple camera..."and it called her name",  so she said! So this morning she came out to my room for a minute, before going to school,  and I told her how beautiful she looked and she told me that was because she had on makeup.... I thought uh oh...but I did not get a good look at her face. Oh well, she has a mama and I was not in charge today.

Kenzie went back to school today. She is still taking Motrin once a day for her throat and she is still getting tired in the afternoons. Hopefully she will make it through the day just fine.

i picked up 2 totes this weekend to send my stuff back to Arkansas in them. I need to get at least 1 sent pretty soon.

Kris got the tape, Sheetrock putty, and paint for me to finish my bathroom here. I hope to get it all taken care of before I leave.

I spoke to Greg this weekend. He said he will pick me up in Springfield Mo. on the 4th...I am ready to be home.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

That Greg is your boy.

Amanda a such a sweet little girl. You are lucky she is happy. Lots of kids mope all the time.