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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hump Day.....

Moving Mountains Today!

I have planted plants, cleaned Kris's house, did 2 loads of laundry, put up the other piece of peg  board up in Kenzie's room, walked the 2 little ones to the bus stop, made Spanish rice, for me, tended to the chickens, cleaned the pen, Patched a pair of Kenzie's jeans and sewed up a seam in one of Amanda's dresses and my pants...surely there is more I am leaving out....But now I am going to take a hot bath and get dressed for my day...You see I have packed most of my clothes but I wore yoga pants and a  tee shirt for PJ's so I have worn them all morning while I have been working...

The sun is shining and it is a great day!

Hope everyone is having a nice a  day as I am.....


Winnie said...

What are the real name of your magic pills...I just hurt so bad more times than not...maybe magic pills would help

Galla Creek said...

yes, maybe Winnie and I need them.