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Monday, August 4, 2014


happy anniversary!

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Day of rest...

I mowed the  yard Friday evening. I cleaned JR's House and did his laundry. I cleaned Fleta's house, all except Greg's bath abd bedroom. Then I have read. I went to the Library with Fleta,  Friday. It was a bad thing. I got a few books and all I have been doing is reading...

Cheryl and her Hubby came over yesterday and brought me a Birthday present...Thank you kids! They were on their way to take Barb and Brenda out for a steak. I hope Barb had a good time. Cheryl Ann  looked Great.

I am hungry but seem to be too lazy to cook. I defrosted a PKG of Patsy's pork sausage yesterday. I ate 1 patty.  I guess I need to make something with it. Maybe some noodles and tomato with sausage like a sausage hamburger helper thing. BUT I have 2 more books here to read.

I should have went to church this morning but I did not. Instead I cleaned Fleta's house...Do you know why? Hannah asked me too! I told her I cleaned JR's and she asked if I would clean her's....Especially mop her floor in her room. It was hardly dirty. She is a cleaner...and not a pack rat at all! Like my Mama...If you are using it in the next 5 minutes get rid of it! There are worse things for sure...Like people who hoard!

My yard looks so good but this may be the last time it needs to be mowed.

SO! Where are the tomatoes...Mine are all green! Not even 1 turning. I checked Fleta's this morning...No red ones. I am so let down. I have 24 qt. jars I snagged from JR and I figured I could fill everyone with tomatoes or salsa... We had lots of rain and such pretty weather...Why no tomatoes, patsy?

My feeder for the Hummers is almost empty...I have a batch ready....Waiting. Since it has been warmer I have not had such a hoard of them...Or maybe I missed them while reading!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Short Vacation..

Fleta's home they had a good time but the water was low... Jr went also and now he is home for a long weekend.  All is well here..

I went to a sale at the library today....I bought 8 plates like Mom and I used to have foe $3.00....25 cents for a herb planter...or could be hen and 2 table clots because I am going to make some chair cushions for Fleta that will not get so wet...and the lady gave me an old electric clock that did not work but I fixed...I am so good anymore I even amaze myself...

I have been practicing with my gun...JR had a big ole deer rifle...I think I will start shooting it...

So I have been wanting a sweet potato plant to put in my swan...I can not find one...Today I noticed the plant hangers all over town were full of I thought the Flower shops probably provided them...I decided to break down and just pay flower shop prices since I could not find any plant...Well BOTH flower shops were closed at 9:30...So I just walked up to one of those hanging planters and snapped me off about a foot of one ....Sashayed back to my car just like I was doing nothing wrong...No one said a word!
 the old clock the lady gave me...she used to teach PE in GF years ago...she knew all of us...This belonged to her father...a cleaning and WD40 and it works...
 Wasn't Mom's dishes just like these...I had some Bob's market sold them cheap if you bought so many $ worth of groceries...Do you Remember them pat and Betty???
A cute little pot...I think I will make a sling for it and hang it in my window over the table and put herbs in it.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I hope this works

I could not get a good pic of the Hummers so I took a video so you could see how wonderful they are..

 I planted 3 rose bushes...I got them for almost nothing but hopefully they will live...

 And my deer view once I cut some Oak limbs...

Can You Believe..

my Hummer feeder was empty this morning...LOL

I have a fresh pot of coffee..It is good.

Oh I loved the rain yesterday and it was the first time I was able to leave the door  open. Thanks to my rain gutters..Betty asked how they worked not being attached to the porch...Well the porch is on a down slope, thanks to the smart builder. Who, BTW used to do framing...So handy...and my trailer has a very tiny rain gutter...about what was like on the door jam of a car...and Greg hooked the big gutters  right under that and it works great...there are about 3 places it runs down the side of the trailer...and 1 place where he joined 2 pieces together...I can silicone it or George said they make a spray rubberized can of stuff at Wal Mart and I should get it...Running down the side was no big deal because it was just a small space less than half inch wide...the joint I duct taped, my best tool,( I looked at it and thought, looks like duct tape is the tool of choice for that job!) but I will fix both soon.

The Feeder is filled again and the Hummers are buzzing me...It is a good morning.

Patsy, I fertilized my tomato plants about 2 days ago...I used miracle grow for blooming flowers because that is what I had....since the rain yesterday, I put some more on them....If they stay yellow I will get some of Fleta's miracle grow and put on them...The blooming stuff worked great on my flower bed. I ban really tell a difference. I do not know what it will do for the tomatoes.

Betty, I do not want to get rid of the honey suckle...I want it to grow up the poles. I was so pleased it did not die when I transplanted it. I thought for sure it was dead, but it came back.

It is Thursday and Fleta has 1 more day. I think JR gets home today so I will go over and clean his house. If I feel like it I will do Fleta's tomorrow. She is planning a vacation weekend. It is almost her anniversary. Of course the Grand kids are going too because Robert heard them talking about it and said, "You're going without ME?" So they are all going. Then Emmie and JR joined in...Me, I will hold down the fort here...OH, poor me... Really wish I could take a long car ride with a bunch of kids and float down a very hot river....But someone has to stay behind.

I want to get ole Bandit up and ride him but it is just too wet today. Maybe this weekend.

Samatha Marr spent the night at Em's I see. Her quad is over there.

George and I saw a BIG female deer in my pasture yesterday. She was in the rain grazing right in the open. She was close to Floyd's line fence. So pretty...