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Sunday, August 3, 2014


Day of rest...

I mowed the  yard Friday evening. I cleaned JR's House and did his laundry. I cleaned Fleta's house, all except Greg's bath abd bedroom. Then I have read. I went to the Library with Fleta,  Friday. It was a bad thing. I got a few books and all I have been doing is reading...

Cheryl and her Hubby came over yesterday and brought me a Birthday present...Thank you kids! They were on their way to take Barb and Brenda out for a steak. I hope Barb had a good time. Cheryl Ann  looked Great.

I am hungry but seem to be too lazy to cook. I defrosted a PKG of Patsy's pork sausage yesterday. I ate 1 patty.  I guess I need to make something with it. Maybe some noodles and tomato with sausage like a sausage hamburger helper thing. BUT I have 2 more books here to read.

I should have went to church this morning but I did not. Instead I cleaned Fleta's house...Do you know why? Hannah asked me too! I told her I cleaned JR's and she asked if I would clean her's....Especially mop her floor in her room. It was hardly dirty. She is a cleaner...and not a pack rat at all! Like my Mama...If you are using it in the next 5 minutes get rid of it! There are worse things for sure...Like people who hoard!

My yard looks so good but this may be the last time it needs to be mowed.

SO! Where are the tomatoes...Mine are all green! Not even 1 turning. I checked Fleta's this morning...No red ones. I am so let down. I have 24 qt. jars I snagged from JR and I figured I could fill everyone with tomatoes or salsa... We had lots of rain and such pretty weather...Why no tomatoes, patsy?

My feeder for the Hummers is almost empty...I have a batch ready....Waiting. Since it has been warmer I have not had such a hoard of them...Or maybe I missed them while reading!

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

It will not be the last mowing!

Erin wants u to come and stay the afternoon at her house!