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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

No rain

 But at least I have plenty of fresh water.  I need to be thankful for so many things.

I am canning a few more tomatoes today.  I’ll keep watering and hopefully they will keep producing.

Have not heard from Kenzie so I’ll just pray she is doing good.

I have the hot spot from the library this week. It is great cause I can run all of my electronics. High speed internet in the country would be a blessing. Hopefully soon.

I have another baby dress cut out I could sew today but I’m not sure. Maybe.

My preachers wife is expecting a great grand baby from her grand daughter that reminds me so much of Kenzie I need to make some items for her.

Just chilling in the house today.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

I’m sitting around. Too hot to do anything outside.