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Monday, February 22, 2021

Sunny Monday

 Oh it's a beautiful day. I made it home yesterday and worked in the house for a few hours. I got a lot of the stuff tended to which was really nice.

Got up this morning and went to Sisters for a cup of coffee. I worked a little more in the house and just now walked to Dan's. I almost turned around at the little pond....then again at the walnut tree ..but I persevered and made it sure took me a long time.

I saw sisters tracks so I know she had all walked out and back.good 4 her...

When I made it back in the yard I sat down by the shed as nd looked at my hen and chickens....I did not think they would make it through the cold but they did...I was tickled...the lilac Bush has nubs on the limbs...the Easter lillys are up...

I have a lot of limbs in the yard but I do love burning them. I will have to wait for a day the wind is not blowing.

It's great to be home...


Galla Creek said...

Your hens and chickens look great.

Winnie said...

I’m so glad you are back home....I love ya cuz!