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Monday, December 4, 2017

CHRISTMAS is in the air...

It will get colder tonight....and cold for the next 10 days at least.

I have been on the go all day long. I went to Walmart and got some paints. I got birthday gifts for Austin and Michael. I got food to cook for the church on Wednesday night.. I got corn for my one pig I  have left. It has just been a busy day.

I am buying a ceramic nativity scene that I am going to paint for Benjamin and Melissa. That is why I needed paints. They were only $0.50 at Walmart that is a good buy.

I got pickles and Cheez-It crackers to take to church on Wednesday. We will have barbecue chicken from fleta and I am making brownies cut out like Christmas trees and decorated and decorated sugar cookies I'll have to take a picture when I get them done. I do not usually do decorated cookies but the kids will really like it.

Gilbert pig is getting big he will butcher it sometime in January. The pig that fleta and I have is just exceptional I am so proud I raised the pigs.... and no I will probably never do it again.

I have Kelly's mama dog and the three pups here. They are doing fine. I hope the one I keep turns out to be not so timid as my last dog.

We are having a bake sale at Tysons next Friday 4 old sister. Jr's girlfriend Tanya is heading it up I'm going to make two pots of chili and 24 chocolate cupcakes and 24 pumpkin spice cupcakes. Tanya asked the bosses if I could come and help sell and no I cannot cuz I not a Tyson's employee it is hard getting someone to run the bake sale cuz they have to take a day off work.

Jr. Won a 49 in HGTV a smart TV from someone they work for. He is donating it and we are going to sell tickets at Tyson for a chance to win it. I hope it works out good. I'm took a great picture of the TV today decorated it and sent it to Sister cuz she's going to make the Flyers. Sister is not too into it maybe she knows that me and Tanya are going to keep all the money. haha . that would teach her. she didn't want to post the picture of the TV I sent to her cuz she thought I had gotten it off the net ..... no I took it right down in juniors living room and decorated it myself.  I'm going to post it here so you can see how good it looks.

Betty  your mouse poison is still working. I have a dead mouse somewhere on my back porch. oh it stinks.


Sister--Helen said...

That is just a great picture to put on a flyer if I do say so myself

Galla Creek said...

Glad to read what u are doing. Good to have bake sale for elder one!