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Friday, February 17, 2017

Ready for this weather

 We will have warm weather for a few days...I am glad. On the hill a bunch of black crows swanking trying to run off my little birds..
It is so hard to get a good picture of all the birds. Here ate several yellow finches eating from Betty's new feeder. I re filled it today even tho there was a good inch of seeds left in it they could not eat as well as when it is full. They love it
 At any one time I may see half a dozen red birds in my yard. They are more shy than the little birds so they all fly at the least little noise.
 they really eat clean up off the ground.
I took a picture of the Easter me and Momma called them....up above the road. I was sitting outside thinking I wish there was more than one or two blooming cause I would like to pick them and bring them inside. Then I remembered Sister has a bunch above her house in the weeds. So why not make use of them. She said yesterday the goats eat them. Well I beat the goats to them today and I have 2 nice little bunches of them to cheer up my living room. Love um...

I bought a plastic dog bowl for my dog a few weeks ago. She has one in the blue building but I wanted one to put just off the porch to throw scraps in. Last night I put food in there and this morning the bowl was gone....It was sitting down in Fleta's drive way with the food still in it...Her black dog carried it off. I am going to put a hole in it and wire it to a block. Fix her wagon.  You know she has done this several times...never eats the food and often does not even spill it.

Since it is so sunny I am going to do my laundry and hang it out.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Love you and so glad you are taking care of the little Finches. It is a lovely day to hang out clothes on the old fence.