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Monday, January 23, 2017

Oh what a Blessed day we have....

It is a little overcast today and it is supposed to be colder for the next 10 days at least but I am fine...Spring is just around the corner...
I got some house plants ...I will try to keep them alive These are in my kitchen window. The cuttings I got from Gilbert. The coleus I got from Fleta

a beautiful shufferella plant...I can not even get that close enough for spell checker to catch and I am to busy to check the is in the north l/r window
these ate in the l/r west window..
the MIL tongue  is in my bedroom south window... I"ll bet my DIL can relate to this
Bird feeders....thanks to Greg. I have red birds, blue jays, a red headed wood pecker, female red birds...and a slew of grey things which I do not care enough to even look up what they are.. Tony called me yesterday with a joke...You know after this generation is all gone He will be the story teller..

Obama, Clinton, and Trump all died the same day. When the went to the pearly gates Saint Peter was not there. Instead God was sitting on the middle throne.
First God said, 'Mr. Obama step forward and tell me what you have accomplished in your life'. Obama stepped forward and said, ' I was President for 8 years. I have tried to do a good job for all people. I have been faithful to my wife and I have raised 2 great children. I have done the best I can'. 
God listened and said, 'That is pretty good. Have a seat by me'.

Then God said, 'Mrs. Clinton you are  next.'  Mrs. Clinton said, ' I have ran 2 campaigns and I tried but was unsuccessful and I have excepted that. I have tried to do all I can for all of the people. Especially trying to help Children. I have raised a wonderful Daughter and I have loved my 2 grand Children. I feel I have done the best I can'.
God said, 'That is pretty good, have a seat next to me.'
Then God said, 'Mr.Trump it is your turn.'
Trump stepped forward, He perched his lips. He turned his head to the right and then slowly to the left and then he stated..."Well first of all I believe you are sitting in my chair."

Winnie Jo I hope you read this...That was for you.

Kelly called me this morning and his sow had pigs...He believed about 11 of them. I get three....That are to be castrated and rings in the nose. I have to get my pen ready. Gilbert is getting me an old water  heater to use for a feeder and waterier. I will be in hog heaven so to speak.

I promised Fleta turkey and dressing for supper and then I forget to get out the turkey breast last night...So I put it in water right before I started this post. I also had a chicken legs and thighs I am cooking for the dressing. I have to get some cornbread made....Will not use jiffy mix anymore. Clayton got on to me for that.....So I better get cooking. It is a colder day so the stove will heat up the house nicely...Gotta go.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

So good to read what you have to say. I hope you stole all the flowers so they will flourish!~