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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Can you imagine...

Donald Trump as President... Well, I can't. he is in the 1st debated though. Out of 17 wanting in he is the front runner. My goodness gracious.

It is cool here this morning. The ground is really wet. I am not sure if it rained or not. The grass has been wet for months. It is thick and very wet. To wet to mow even.
I take Emily to practice today and I will get some gas then. If the grass dries up I will try to mow in the next few days.

My tomatoes have gotten ripe. At least a few. I want to can some but I do not have that many yet. I have 2 and 1/2 quarts in jars in the frig right now. I will leave them for another day or two. Then I will fix some more and empty these jars...I will re scald the jars and put them all in the caner. I will can them in the evening cause if it is hot I will retreat to the air conditioned room.
Something has been eating on my tomatoes...3 so far. I am not sure if it is a turtle, rabbit, or squirrel..But last night I pulled the tall grass around the containers. It was looking like a forest. At least now I might be able to see something in there. Hopefully anyway! I have been going out and looking every hour or so...

The painting is still coming along. I have done a bit more. Today I am going to put new painted boards on the screen door. I also have the old dresser completely painted. I am going to put a design on it now.

Fleta had been walking in the evenings. But it is pretty hot on her.
Winnie Jo...I love that you are posting. I love the pics of the Scouting event. But you really need to keep us updated on Hillary... Trump is all over the news. The BOOB!


Galla Creek said...

Glad for you to post....

I am getting a few tomatoes but not enough to can.

Winnie said...

Several up here say the deer have really been getting their garden.... Hillary went after Jeb today....I think she is just laying low for awhile and letting the 16 of them just implode ....what a sad set of things that the idiot is in the lead!!!
I will really be pissed off if Joe jumps in๐Ÿ˜