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Tuesday, July 7, 2015


I uploaded this picture by mistake....I took it last week...But it looked just like this again today so I guess it bares repeating... It has rained since about 11..
 I have been busy today...AFTER...I cleaned the yard, burned trash, burned web worms in the trees with Greg;s burner, (They fell all over me!) Did 4 loads of wash. including..all my bedding, 2 loads of rugs, and 1 load of regular clothes...I started this at 5 so before the rain I only had a few things that were not dry...After a quick 15 min in the dryer they were all good... I cleaned house...cleaned off the back porch, mopped all the floors and vacuumed...

Then I did some fun stuff. I put up this rounded shower rod..I love these things..
 I cleaned off the porch and took down my flags and all of the stuff for the 4th...The flag pole was rusting and I sprayed it with black rustoleum before packing it away...Then I made this new door hanging for summer. I will leave this up till fall.

I planted some Basil clippings that were rooted..and I washed some old brown jugs Clayton had in the shed and have some new sprouts rooting in those bottles.....

I went to Rhea's Sun AM and came home Monday. I stopped at a few flea markets and picked up some little things, old metal flour sifter cause I left mine in AZ..This one works great...I got a  used bunt pan .  A really nice round new metal spice rack with new sealed spices in the jars...never opened. I think there are 18 spices ... I also bought one of those 3 small crock pots for serving  3 different things at one time..It was new ...I will use it often for the Church functions...oh yes and my rounded shower rod...I think I spent just over 20  when I was done... It was a pretty day to wonder around...

Today, it is not so pretty...I needed to feed Fleta's fish and dogs since I did not get home yesterday till about 1 I did not go down there.  Then I was tired..Finally today I went down there...I figured the fish would be starving...but they were not...I mostly went when I did because I wanted a glue gun...well I have one and even found it but I can not find my glue...So I thought Fleta probably had one and I'll bet she does...But I could not find it... but I nosed through everything...

I have to go to town tomorrow and pay our water bills...and I need some vinal to cover the 4 wheeler seat for the kids...So I will go to the rag barn...I imagine they have glue...If not there is a $ store there and they will have it..Kenzie painted me a picture on canvis a few years ago. I love it and I have it in a wood frame...I have lots of sea shells from TX, CA, WA, Denver creek, and 1 lone shell Rhea just gave me from FL...So I want to cover this frame with shells.. Oh well tomorrow is another day...

No painting again today...and even if it does not rain tomorrow the house will be to wet...Maybe...Thursday..we will see..

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Busy Busy
Then came the rain
And you can sit down for a while.

Rained here too and I was thankful.
I am always thankful for summer rain.