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Saturday, January 31, 2015

One more day...

and I am out of here...Fleta and George plus the kids are hauling me to Springfield and kicking me out at the airport......Then they have a big day planned. I will be in sunny AZ at 1:30...we will go home and watch the Super Bowl. I hope Missy has good food.LOL

I get on the computer and pre sign in in 1 hour. I never pay for a special seat. I just sit where ever.  I noticed on Thursday we will have mid 80's. just think......

I have everything done here almost...This morning I cleaned the ceiling fans. I cleaned out the frig and sent a few thin gs home with Hannah. She stayed last night with me. her and the other 2 girls came up last night and helped me finish my valentines for church.

I cleaned the Church yesterday AM. They will miss me cleaning...LOL  I did extra yesterday. I scrubbed the baby high chairs and waxed all of the cabinets and wooden doors. Plus cleaned off the top of the cabinets.

Benjamin celebrated his birthday yesterday with his school pals. Missy threw him a big party. We will have a class party and a family party Tuesday, on his real Birthday. he is anxious for me to get there. I am ready to see all of the kids too. It will be nice.


Winnie said...

We are all settled in in Chattanooga for the night...have a wonderful, safe trip my dear one😘

Galla Creek said...

It is 5 o'clock in AR ....are you in AZ or just in the air?