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Monday, November 3, 2014

The Frost was on the Pumpkin....

If I were still living in AZ and Brother Clayton was still alive I would have called him a few days ago just to rub in how cold it was here in Arkansas. He would have told me the weather was cold. He hated the cold. He would have commented it was not just a frost but a hard freeze. It's warmer today but the sun is not shining and the wind is blowing. He would not have sat on the front porch long this morning, smoking....

This old house has a lot of noises when the wind blows cold. I am not sure what all of the noises are.... Sometimes it wakes me up, thinking someone is knocking on the front door. But no, it is just the wind blowing things around. Two nights in a row I woke up and yelled, "Come on in." Not knowing who was knocking, but figuring it must be someone I know.... No one was there... Today I spied a squirrel scratching on the house below the window. At first I figured it was a mouse in the wall...

For the last few days I have done very little. You'd be surprised how little needs to be done around a house when it is only one person to  mess it up. Yesterday I did get the horse up and brush him. His winter coat is thick. Plus I did go pick up Emily in Branson. She spent the night with a friend.  Today, it is noon and I still have on my night gown.

I must light the hot water heater today....Before I take a shower. I turn the hot water heater off and I still have warm water for 3 days. But last night when I took a bath I noticed I had used almost all of the hot water. So today, I will light it...take a the few dishes I have  dirty....I think there are 3  dirty  bowls in the sink. ...wipe down the counters...then when the heater kicks off I turn off the gas....I am determined to make it through the winter on one tank of propane.... Everyone tells me I will need 2...But I figure if I make a trip out west the end of Jan.....I can make it on one....

I still have the shed to clean...I have not done that chore...Plus I could go to Jr's and do a load of my wash. He may need a little house cleaning and maybe some laundry done.  But I think I will put that off till tomorrow...

The kids are all in school....Fleta is at work....George went to town this morning but he is all ready home....I guess I have procrastinated long enough....Time to get started, since the day is half over...LOL


Galla Creek said...

I don't you to freeze to death...I will fill that tank for you. When you and fleta bring the chickens I will give you money to put back to fill the tank.

Fleta said you were just sitting under an electric throw and not using any heat. Light the stove.

Sister--Helen said...

I am just fine betty.....Remember...I am fat....and don't get to cold...Can't wait to bring the chickens..

Adopted Sister said...

I read that shivering for 10 minutes burns as many calories as an hour's exercise. As much as I hate to exercise, I hate being cold even more. Turn on the heat, we will buy you a tank of propane!