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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rainy Night....

Fleta's three Grand Kids and the Marr Girl just went home. They had been up here since about 5. Emily and Sam wanted to ride Bandit. They did for about 20 minutes but then they were rained out. So all 4 came inside and played....Hide n Seek....This ole house had not seen that much racket in 20 years I'll bet...Emily hid Hannah in a drawer....Boy we all had a good time. Greg came and picked up the 2 little ones and then Sam and Emmie went home. No one was in any hurry to leave. I am glad they had a good time.

It has really been raining today...I suppose this is the end of summer weather for sure. I kind of hate to see it go....I do not mind fall but it is hard to enjoy it because you know winter is just around the corner!

After talking to Fleta I decided I was going to make BBQ pulled pork for the pot luck. I love it so any leftovers I will eat...

So Fleta said, "Then next week we have to make something else." I was confused and then she said for Kenny's Birthday...I told her all of Francis daughter-N-laws and Virginia cook to good for me to make anything...Fleta said she had been to many years and not brought anything...I think last year I took BBQ...but I am sure it was not as good as others....Then Fleta said...Get this....'Even Winnie Jo brings something......'  Like, of course she does Fleta, She has manners.... I guess I could make a desert...cause I like doing that... Betty, do not bring that ole cake you make with no leveling in it! Talk Erin into making a cake... or have one of your Grand Girls make one....

Fleta is taking wings and pumpkin pies to the pot luck.....I hope the pies are as good as the ones she made last week....


Galla Creek said...

Erin can't come to reunion...they are taking Greta to a water park for her birthday. I will make the cake with no can take home all that is left.

I am thinking about coming to stay all night with you the night before if you will invite me and if winnie jo and Mike don't stay that night. If I do can make what we take. Don't tell but I have never brought anything.

Stella makes a lot and it is all good.

You know Hannah and Robert had probably never been in that house before you moved there!

Sigrid loves hide and seek. Get flashlights and let them play that tag game in the yard.

Winnie said...

We will come down Sat from the camper and then go home later that afternoon...I can't wait to see Helen's home!!!