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Friday, October 2, 2009

My Two Today...

Bill and Kimmie have just left for the Hospital. Her C Section is set for 10:30. Kimmie could not eat anything after 2 AM. Missy and Kimmie went shopping last evening to pick up the last few things, diapers, wipes, Vaseline, a few blankets, socks, snapping T Shirts, some bunting sacks, and some outfits, and a coming home set of clothes. I think Seth is all set now. He made quiet a haul last night. Lexi was asleep by the time they left but Benjamin was here and we decided he could spend the night. He was asleep by the time they got back.

So today I will have both of them. This is Bill's weekend to have Austin but Austin is out of school for the next two weeks and he is going home with Bill on Tuesday so Bettina is keeping him this weekend so I guess I will not get to see him.

I am glad Fleta at least gave me a calendar web site so I can see what is going on this month... Fleta I will be sending you my Grand babies names and Birth Dates so you can add them on the data base...Betty be sure and send yours to her also...Thank You, Sister.

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1 comment:

Kimmie said...

I'm glad she is doing so well for you!