Last week I had to take Benjamin back to the Dr. because his throat was still red and sore and the DR. gave him some more antibiotics...Then the DR. said, 'Has he had the flu shot yet.' When I told him no he thought Benjamin should have one..
Benjamin of course did not want one and wanted to know why he had to get one. I told him, 'Because Mama said so.' Benjamin said, 'I think I should get to decide since it is my arm.' he did not get to decide and we got a flu shot. His Dr. also said keep an eye on the news and as soon as the swine flue shots hit the Valley get him back in here for the swine flu shot. They hit the Valley Saturday, Monday Missy called to get Benjamin in for his shot and they could get him in at 11:30 that day.
So I drove over to his Day Care to pick him up and he was so glad to see me. He was in the middle of a lesson plan when I walked into the class room (another story about this to follow) ...Anyway after I picked him up we went straight too the Dr.'s office. The first thing Benjamin wanted to know was he going to get a shot. I avoided answering that question for about 30 minutes.
At last the nurse came in the room with his shot and I had to fess up he was getting a flu shot. ...We went through the whole spiel of 'WHY' and I again blamed it on his Mama. That evening Missy asked me if Benjamin was mad at me. I said no and told her I blamed it all on her. She asked if Benjamin pulled that, "But you're my Mama's Mama you are the boss.' I told her he did not think of that and I did not mention it. She said she thought she would bring that up.
I told Missy to do what she thought was best but she also needed to know Benjamin had to go back in 30 days for a follow up shot so she needed to be prepared to take off work....I do not think her and Benjamin discussed the 'Mama's Mama issue.'
This was all he got for a shot...One stinkin' sticker!
Mackenzie and I are having a big time. This was a picture of her on Monday when I picked her up from school. This week is red ribbon week at school, (anti Drug week). Mackenzie's Teacher called me Monday Morning at 7 AM to inform us all of the kids would be wearing red on Monday. He did not want Mackenzie to feel out of place...He is a really good teacher I think. At least he will bend over backwards for Mackenzie...and after all that is what we want and expect.... I am sure Betty is shaking her head...Benjamin of course did not want one and wanted to know why he had to get one. I told him, 'Because Mama said so.' Benjamin said, 'I think I should get to decide since it is my arm.' he did not get to decide and we got a flu shot. His Dr. also said keep an eye on the news and as soon as the swine flue shots hit the Valley get him back in here for the swine flu shot. They hit the Valley Saturday, Monday Missy called to get Benjamin in for his shot and they could get him in at 11:30 that day.
So I drove over to his Day Care to pick him up and he was so glad to see me. He was in the middle of a lesson plan when I walked into the class room (another story about this to follow) ...Anyway after I picked him up we went straight too the Dr.'s office. The first thing Benjamin wanted to know was he going to get a shot. I avoided answering that question for about 30 minutes.
At last the nurse came in the room with his shot and I had to fess up he was getting a flu shot. ...We went through the whole spiel of 'WHY' and I again blamed it on his Mama. That evening Missy asked me if Benjamin was mad at me. I said no and told her I blamed it all on her. She asked if Benjamin pulled that, "But you're my Mama's Mama you are the boss.' I told her he did not think of that and I did not mention it. She said she thought she would bring that up.
I told Missy to do what she thought was best but she also needed to know Benjamin had to go back in 30 days for a follow up shot so she needed to be prepared to take off work....I do not think her and Benjamin discussed the 'Mama's Mama issue.'
This was all he got for a shot...One stinkin' sticker!
Tuesday Morning and she is ready for school. We have had a cooling trend here. Today it may reach 60...Tuesday was backwards shirt day...
Here she is this morning. Today was Team Jersey day. Now you know I do not own a team Jersey and it took me a few minutes to think who would. I knew Missy would not have one. Then the light came on Bettina, Austin's Mama would have one. I called her and she let us borrow a couple. Mackenzie choose this one.
I also told Bettina that Mackenzie was having a hard time making friends because she was shy. Bettina said we should have a 'Meet the Girls Party...' Bettina said she had totes of nail polish and pens and things so they could do facials and toes and fingernails...What a good idea.
Mackenzie was all ready set to spend Friday and Saturday with Missy on the 6th and 7th ...What a perfect time...I wasted no time. I called Missy as soon as I left Bettina's and told her Kenzie did not have any friends yet...I knew Missy would remember when I moved her to a new school in 8th grade and she had to eat lunch for 2 weeks by herself...Missy immediately said, "I have been thinking about that and I think when I have her on the 7th we should have a party..."
I fell right in with that telling Missy she was a a genius to think of that....So this morning Mackenzie went to school armed with 16 invitations to her 'Girls Spa Party' for Saturday the 7th from 3-7PM...Mackenzie was excited...She has a good Aunt.... And you know it does take a village to raise a child!
McKinzie looks like she is settling in. And you are right about the picture...I took it this week and date is wrong. Must get Laura to fix it.
You are special to look out for her. She will never forget how special you are.
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