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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just Like his Mother....

Monday when I picked up Benjamin at Day Care I walked into his room while the teacher was giving a lesson...No one noticed I had entered the room..The teacher was standing in front of the class with a sheet of paper with 4 pictures in a square box. They were studying the letter U. The Teacher pointed to the 1st picture in the box and said, " This is a Unicorn does"....and Benjamin's hand flew up and he stated, "That's a Unicorn and it starts with the letter U. The top 2 pictures and the picture in the bottom left hand corner all start with the letter U. ' You could tell 'this was not the first time he had been to the rodeo.' At that point the Teacher saw I was in the room. Benjamin and I got to leave class. I hope those other little kids were able to figure out which pictures started with the letter U. He is so much like his Mother.
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Galla Creek said...

Lately, Siggie is playing teacher. She said if she is the teacher she gets to yell. So I guess she has heard teachers yell?
One day she was the Principal! She said she was in charge of everything.

Arkansas Patti said...

Can see that "smarts" runs in the family.