If you are going to the SPCA to adopt a puppy and take your 6 year old daughter with you and the SPCA worker asks..."Have you ever had a dog that died?" You say, "I don't think so..." But your 6 year old Daughter pipes up and says..."Yes we did Mama. Remember Snowbell that Daddy shot because he was killing the goats!" You will not be a good candidate to adopt one of their dogs.....and they will refer you to the local pound....
This is a true story but did not happen to me......
That Pappa sounds like our one neighbor we use to have. His wife and I were talking at the fence one day, when our dog and their dog came up and were smelling each others nose through the fence. And the husband walked up and was talking about the dog they had when they lived on their farm and how he had to shoot it. I said that was to bad, was it killing chickens or something? He said no she kept having pups. I lost all respect for him after that, I thought you idiot, have her fixed. Then his wife had a slight stroke that left her one side partial paralyzed. This neighbor man apparently had started taking walks in the afternoons, I was working 2-10 so I wasn't aware he was taking walks. For what reason, other than to get out of the house, I don't know. Anyway, this one day, our youngest daughter called me at work and said Mom, Dorothy just shot herself. I said what? Apparently while he was out walking, she killed herself with a handgun. I had a lot of questions over that one. First off, if the guns were up high hidden like he said because of their grandchildren, how did the wife get to them, being partially paralyzed. She used a walker and a wheelchair. Someone said, maybe she was afraid to be there alone when he went for a walk, and he would leave a gun down for her. What ever reason, I will never know and I find it hard even yet today to think she killed herself. Oh yes, two months after she died, he remarried. Pretty fast if you ask me. He also had a cleaning person there cleaning up the place with in hours after it happened. I guess she left a note, but I often wondered if she wrote it or he wrote it. I guess him saying he shot his dog because she kept having pups made me always suspicious of him. Plus most women either take an overdose or slit their wrist, at least that's what I've always heard. Guns are too noisy and too messy. Ok, getting off my soap box now. LOL
Patty, that was a sad tale. he guy sounds like a coward.
Daddy did shoot dogs if we had to get rid of them. It was always for a reason. Farmers were like that. They would never take a dog and dump it on someone like folks do today. If Daddy had a problem he dealt with it.
Life on the farm was different than life is today. The human society probably would have thought daddy was a cruel man, but that is far from the truth.
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