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Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy Anniversary Bill and Kimmie

they were married on this day in  2007....

It is hot here. My air has been running non stop since 3:30. Temp said 97 at 4:00. The sun will be behind the trees by 7:00. Then it will be much cooler. I went to JR's to do a few things. He leaves his air on all of the time. So I soaked up his air till 3:30.

Well, it is August in Arkansas.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday..Janet's Birthday...

 Fleta, the two kids, and I went to church today. The Coin church is really small. They do seem to cater to the children there....and I like that....

Then I took Sam and Emmie to Denver creek. while we were gone JR fixed the window on my car....It would not roll up or down....Something had broke or come loose. He drilled a hole in the piece that was faulty and it fixed it... Robert said, "Uncle George, are you trying to be a real mechanic?"  He is a cute, cute boy...and he went up on stage at church with all of the other kids to sing. He did not want to, but he went with no ill words.  And he was very cute!

I called ole Tony today and had some good laughs!  He is always a joy! He said for Fleta not to worry because he will preach her funeral for free....I told him we would need a building to meet in....He said he had 2 empty turkey houses...I figure that would be large enough to hold all of Fleta's close friends... I am sure Cousin Winnie Jo is shaking her head when she reads this.

Then I washed the red car. As Missy said it will look great till you drive it, or the wind blows!

Well I have wasted more time on worse things.

I  picked 3 ripe tomatoes today. I only have the 3 plants. They still have new blooms on them... I guess as long as I water them I could have tomatoes till frost....Not many tomatoes, but tomatoes....

I am so ready for bed!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Blackwater Cleanout...

Today was the day....just keeping track.

The varmints have not touched my tomatoes again...I have 3 more almost ready to pick. I want to let them get good and ripe. Hopefully I will get them.

I'll bet Fleta is glad the weekend is here....To the rest of us Sister's it's just another day..

Don't forget Winnie Jo on the 27th....She will be a year older.

It has finally turned hot in AR...I guess it is time. We have had a mild summer and I am sure we will have a mild winter....Betty, do not rain on my parade...

The County Fair is this weekend. I will stay home. I imagine Emmy has talked JR into taking her. I do not know if Robert and Hannah will get to go. I doubt if Fleta is rearing to go.

I wrote Lane again today. I hope you are writing him, Betty.

Not much going on here. I do sit on the porch in the mornings. Not so much in the evenings.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Well the war is on....

It is going to be like Ferguson right here in my yard......Something ate half of a ripe tomato! This was done from sometime between, yesterday evening to 8 this morning....I have a gun and Kris is sending me 500 bullets....Goodness I hope I do not miss and hit a cow...Oh well, the gun is in Sam's name!

All is well here. I have been under the weather for the past 3 days but I feel much better this morning.

I went over to Jr's and started a load of his laundry. I have a load of mine to do today. Emmie is needing more school supplies so we are going to Walmart after school today. Sam is wanting to go along. I will have to ask Sister for her car because the jeep has a flat....It had a flat last week. George took it to town to get it fixed. I am sure they did not fix it good because it is the same tire and it is flat on the bottom just like last time.... I am sharp today!

I fixed a little supper last night for the 3 kids...Emmie, Hannah, and Robert....I only fixed enough for them I figured the grown ups could fend for themselves....When I went to Fleta's she was boiling a pot of something so I figure they ate. I really would have fixed more but my iron skillet only held 4 pieces of chicken patties and I was too lazy to fry 2 batches.... not to cheap, just to lazy....

Emmie has spent the last 2 nights at Sam's. I am going to clean her house and we will pick up snacks tonight at Walmart and I will offer to spend the night over there in hopes to get Sam to spend the night there. I like it better when Emmie is over here.....You know that thumb right on them thing.....Hopefully it will work...We will see...

Happy Birthday to Kimmie...a day early....Just in case I feel bad tomorrow...and do not post.

Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day of 2nd Grade....

Hannah and Robert

Daddy took Hannah and Robert to school today..I made banana bread and cinnamon rolls for their teachers and the office girls. I took the baked goods in to them.  And here is why....Each teacher will have anywhere from 22 to 28 students. The Teachers will write a thank you note to Hannah and Robert today or tomorrow. That will make the 2 kids stand out for something positive. This is also ''sucking up courtesy of Granny...'' and it never hurts to start off on a positive note. Even if the Teachers just throw the food in the trash it will have served it's purpose. Besides look at those little faces.....So SWEET!
Emily is starting 8th grade...