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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday..Janet's Birthday...

 Fleta, the two kids, and I went to church today. The Coin church is really small. They do seem to cater to the children there....and I like that....

Then I took Sam and Emmie to Denver creek. while we were gone JR fixed the window on my car....It would not roll up or down....Something had broke or come loose. He drilled a hole in the piece that was faulty and it fixed it... Robert said, "Uncle George, are you trying to be a real mechanic?"  He is a cute, cute boy...and he went up on stage at church with all of the other kids to sing. He did not want to, but he went with no ill words.  And he was very cute!

I called ole Tony today and had some good laughs!  He is always a joy! He said for Fleta not to worry because he will preach her funeral for free....I told him we would need a building to meet in....He said he had 2 empty turkey houses...I figure that would be large enough to hold all of Fleta's close friends... I am sure Cousin Winnie Jo is shaking her head when she reads this.

Then I washed the red car. As Missy said it will look great till you drive it, or the wind blows!

Well I have wasted more time on worse things.

I  picked 3 ripe tomatoes today. I only have the 3 plants. They still have new blooms on them... I guess as long as I water them I could have tomatoes till frost....Not many tomatoes, but tomatoes....

I am so ready for bed!

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Glad u got the window fixed now
You should trade off the car for a pickup

I wish I could go to that church and teach you
And fleta I in Sunday school
Oh the teacher is the only one that can talk u
And flet have to sit and listen and I do not allow dozing off while I teach

I do love the singing

Tony and I can preach the funerals oh I am not free I want fifty bucks but tony is free