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Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day of 2nd Grade....

Hannah and Robert

Daddy took Hannah and Robert to school today..I made banana bread and cinnamon rolls for their teachers and the office girls. I took the baked goods in to them.  And here is why....Each teacher will have anywhere from 22 to 28 students. The Teachers will write a thank you note to Hannah and Robert today or tomorrow. That will make the 2 kids stand out for something positive. This is also ''sucking up courtesy of Granny...'' and it never hurts to start off on a positive note. Even if the Teachers just throw the food in the trash it will have served it's purpose. Besides look at those little faces.....So SWEET!
Emily is starting 8th grade...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Guess Who?

Amber, Angie, and Marie.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Happy Anniversary Bill and Kimmy....

They got married in 07....I quickly put together the wedding and celebration at my home. It was hard because I just got out of the hospital the day before. My good friend, Rhea, was there. Rhea and Melissa did most of it....As I recall Melissa paid for most of it. I know she bought Kimmy's dress and a suit for Austin. I think Bill had a suit but if not I think she paid for that also.  Melissa took all of the pictures and had them developed. Over the years Melissa has helped Bill a lot...When Mike kicked him out of the house when he was still in school,  Melissa moved out of the dorm and got an apartment, Bill, Melissa, and I each paid a third. If she had not tended to things he would have been sleeping on some one's couch...Who knows where.  Then he and Kimmy lived with her for awhile after her divorce and she rented a big house way out in Queen Creek. And I remember once she came up with 15K for an attorney on an hours notice. I am sure Bill is reading this saying..."Yeah, but I did stuff for her too!" and yes he used to....But I just can't quiet level the scales of them being even....Some how fifteen thousand dollars is just a heck of a lot of money to lay down....You would have to care about someone an awful lot to just write a check for that amount.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


My sweet potato vine I got by ill gotten gaines..I planted it today. There were lots of roots on it.
 My 3 rose bushes I bought late this year are putting on new growth, I will need  to cover them this winter. Maybe with hay?

My bird house Kenzie picked out for me...looks like my home. We had to laugh when we saw it.

 My flowers...doing better than Flets's cause they get more sun..
 Betty this picture is just for you...Dollar store toys...I have 8 Grand kids. 10 counting Hannah and Robert. I have taken Robert to the store before. Walmarts...I tell him before we go I will get him one or 2 match box cars. That is OK when we leave the house...But once in the store he wants a 40 or 50 dollar toy and is mad and hurt when he does not get it...Really more hurt than we went to Berryville to take Emmy to a friends. The 2 kids came with me. We picked up supper at KFC....Dollar tree is in the same parking lot. I told them,,,,just like I tell my Grand Kids. we will go inside and they can pick out ANY thing they want...any 1 thing...Hannah and Robert were tickled...and just like with my Grand Kids they were still excited when they found something they wanted...Then I told them they were soooo good they could pick out 2...Hannah had a hard time deciding on 2 things and was trying to decide which of the 2 she wanted to pick of the 3 things she had her eye on...So I said oh you can each get 3...You would have thought they won the lottery... They each spent 3 dollars...They got ANY thing they wanted and they will play with them just as long as any 10 dollar toy.. Robert got 3 packs of  cars...and  he thought they were great....Even my Teenagers love Dollar Tree...They often have a name brand nail polish, or eye shadow, nice make up remover wipes,, hair time I found real Webkinz that sell for up to 10 bucks at Walmart for $ day I found Loreal shadows at the one in WA. I know Betty your kids do not get something every time they go to town... so since most toys are just thrown down after a day or two it is nice to buy the cheap ones...
 Here is the fruits of my you can see, not much labor on my part...
 Fleta planted 2 of these tall things by my poles...I think she said they were cosmos????they are probably weeds and she is tricking me....People around here take advantage of ignorant city women...

A Beautiful Day...

I learn new things every day....not all of them are pleasant..

Like...My trailer has a holding tank for the sewer....stands to reason anyone should know that, but I didn't...So it started to smell and I called Darrel and he informed me of what I needed to do...well I now have it cleaned out but it took me 2 tries...There may be an easier way, if so I hope I discover it  before I have to do it again.

I fertilized all of my plants today and I mowed the lawn yesterday. Now the sewer does not smell so all is good in my life!