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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Surgery tomorrow

 I will be having Cataracts surgery tomorrow On my right eye.

I’m sure it will go just fine sister. Fleta is taking me down there and bringing me home. God bless her. She has always looked after all of us. In two weeks they’ll work on the other one. It’ll be nice to be able to see without seeing things that aren’t there

It was a little cold to me today. I turned my heat back on for a little while that way I could warm it up tomorrow in case I’m not feeling my best. I would think I’d probably sleep a lot tomorrow. If I’m supposed to sleep up a ride, I can always do that in my spa Chair it works very well. It’s quite comfortable.

I still have a wooden vegetable above ground bed. I need to get made, but I thought it was just too cold today.

Maybe within a week I’ll be able to get out there and do it. For a few days I’m not supposed to bend over or lift things. I don’t know how long that’s supposed to last I imagine just a couple of days.

I’m not reading this to correct for errors because my eye hurts.

I’ll be glad when it’s this time tomorrow.

God is good all the time. He is especially good to me.

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