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Saturday, March 1, 2025

It never hurts to be charming

 At 5:30 tonight, I decided I want to drive into Green Forest and pick up some candy of all things.

 As I went by the square a cop tagged  behind me. I was doing nothing wrong. When I got to the cattleman steakhouse, he flipped on his lights and I pulled over immediately. What happened is he’d run my plates which are under Bill‘s name and it shows they don’t have any insurance. That's  because the insurance is in my name. 

He sat in his car a good time after he pulled me over. I knew he was running everything and I knew what the problem was, Because oh yeah, I’ve had this problem before.

 As soon as he walked up to the car.  I said. " Hello officer. I really didn’t think I was doing one thing wrong.  He said, " You weren't , I pulled you over because your tail lights instead of red look more bright. Oh yeah, what an excuse. But I did not say that!  I said,  "Well this is my son‘s vehicle, but I carry insurance on it myself. 

He then saiid  " Oh that’s the other thing."   He said , I saw  it didn’t show any insurance at all. He asked for my drivers license and insurance. which I had right there so he looked at it. He’s said,  "Oh, OK." 

He went back to his car for a minute and he come back he goes, "Well I’m not gonna write you a ticket." Oh surprise surprise. But that's not what I said. I told him,  I really appreciate that and I’m terribly sorry about my lights. I said you know it’s an Arizona car and I assume that some of the red is probably faded out and that’s why the brake lights looks so white. He said he was sure that Is the reason. 

anyway no ticket and I have two bags of candy and some gas in the car now. I guess I should’ve just sat here and held the couch down. It would’ve avoided the trouble but then again we had a wonderful conversation about him. where he lives, his wife and he lives in  Harrison His wife is  the nurse for  my doctor Powell. He has two children.

 He was a very nice man. I told him I was sorry I look so bad. I said I look like a homeless person tonight, which I did. I had on a big old dress that Betty had given me , that pink one. Plus. I had on Laura sweater. The one Fleta makes so much fun. The sweater is  wonderful though,  because when you lay down, you can stretch you to cross your whole body.  Just take it off put your foot in one end of it and pull it up around your chin with the other. I love that sweater.

Since I’ve been home, I’ve done my exercises.  I took a breathing treatment, which I really needed.

 I’ve been listening to the radio. I sit outside a good while. 

 I put some chicken wire around the wooden porch post. Something’s been eating it. 

I set the animal trap out front because I had something out there last night. If I catch a skunk I’m gonna be in trouble.

Now instead of typing this, I talk into the microphone. This has just been one long, long, paragraph.  I’m gonna try now to see if I can make it break up using a program. If not, it may just be posted with all the mistakes and all the errors.

It seems like I took a picture today. I wanted to show someone about something. I’ll check that out and see what it was. I can’t remember. It’s probably a word that is  a noun. You know if it wasn’t for nouns, people with the Aldi‘s wouldn’t have these problems. The other day I forgot a verb and so I figured that’s just a slipping, slipping slope.  Adverbs will be next, pretty soon  I won’t know adjectives. It’s heck to get old.

Oh yes, my porch post. Something’s been eating on it. That’s why the trap is set tonight.  I hope I don’t catch a skunk!

I wrapped chicken wire around it tonight. Hopefully that will stop the chewing.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Glad you did not get a ticket! They thought you were an illegal alien I guess.