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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Things That I Can Do....

 ....ahhhhhh another accomplishment.

Every time I do something that normally I would not have done years ago I always think of the DR. Seuss book,'Oh the places I can go..' I say,  'Oh the things I can do.'

 The door handle had came loose on one side of my oven door. I did not want this  loose and hanging when Sister Betty came up here to visit. Betty would think poor Sister needs a new stove. So today I got out my handy dandy tool kit Betty  gave to me  and decided I could fix it.

I never did much of this when I was married to Mike. Now granted he would not have fixed it for me but Billy would have. I would not have attempted to fix it cause if I tore it apart and could have not got it back together ,which was likely, Mike would yell and scream for weeks about it. 

These days I try a lot of things like this cause I always know if I cant get it back together my Brother Gilbert would come over on his day off and fix it back for me. He never gripes a word about it....NEVER

This week I put in 2 new plug outlets and put the ends on 2 of my oil heaters... plus today fixed the oven door handle and even cleaned the inside glass while I had it apart.

Oh the things that I can do.


Galla Creek said...

And all the places you go

Winnie said...

You are just absolutely aw some❤️