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Monday, September 11, 2017

Cool Monday morning in September

Brother Gilbert has been working on my Jeep bless his heart. He is down to now trying to put in the automatic window ups and downs. I watched it on YouTube it looked a little complicated. I told him if he couldn't do it with weight for junior. I'm sure Junior can do it.

My poor dog got snake bit. And if I had not called the poor boy Tony she would have died I'm sure. He gave her a shot of penicillin and left some here for me. Within 24 hours she was a lot better just like he said she would be and today I gave her another shot I'm sure she's going to live now which two days ago I was not so sure of. I am very thankful cuz I've grown quite fond of her. Not like the people who are crazy about their dogs and think their kids but pretty fond of her.

FLETA  ran me around for the last two days shopping I'm sure she'll be glad when I get a vehicle back. We went to the store... she wanted me to make oatmeal cookies for someone she works with. I am sure she likes this person not super likes but just doesn't dislike cuz you know she won't do anything for someone she dislikes. She probably feels sorry for the person. But I made some good oatmeal cookies and then I made some great peanut butter cookies the peanut butter cookies were so good because fleta bought lard for me. Lard makes everything better.. I doubt if Sister Betty would ever buy lard for anything. She would think it is too fattening. Personally I think it is better for you than Crisco or even corn oil.

Robert has a birthday Wednesday. Fleta I buying a  decorated cake and we can take it to church. We'll all sing to him and he will like that.

Tony says the pigs need to be wormed. I told him I just warmed them. He said yes but you use that wormer Kelly tell you to use and it is no good. Man who do you listen to. But Tony has good wormer for me he's going to bring it over this evening hopefully I can get the pigs to drink the water. They hate wormer water.

After Tony told me my dog was snake bit. He told me to go find hedge apples which I picked up a whole wheelbarrow . I have thrown them all around the Rocks Under the buildings under the house hopefully it will run the critters off especially the snake that bit my dog. More than one person told me not to haul those rocks into my yard but I did not listen.

I have done a load of laundry I'm going to go hang it on my fence clothesline hopefully it will get dry today if not I'll have to use the dryer.


Galla Creek said...

Glad u are doing well. Hope only brother gets your car going again.

Winnie said...

So happy to hear you are home and that the dog is better. Wish I had been a driver last week and could have come over to see Sunday School class had such fun in Eureka...I so needed some Winnie time!