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Friday, May 20, 2016

A day of thought..

well that is dangerous for me..This is a sad world anymore. Compared to my teen age years of 69-72 things seem so much worse for the kids today. We were speaking in church last Wednesday night and I told them I only knew 1 person that used drugs the whole time I was in high school. Many kids drank including me I am ashamed to say. Yes it was wrong at the age of 15 to be drinking but I did this. Probably the only one of Dad's kids that did. I was pretty rotten. They say sinners make the best Christians and I am hoping this is true. I have tried to make amends for my mistakes and I do try hard to be better to people. God has truly blessed me to give me the life I have today and I am thankful everyday. I will never be as good as I should be but I hope to be as good of a person as I can be. I am so appreciative of all things in my life. many things I do not understand but I try hard not to question God. I know he has all answers and knows best and I must just rely on faith everyday. For  today God has me in has hand and I am thankful.

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