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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Late start Wednesday...

Today the kids all start school 90 minutes later than usual. So we all get a late start.

Mackenzie stayed home sick yesterday. She has asthma and I made her take 2 treatments yesterday and she is much better today. She has been droopy for a week now.

Mike is doing just fine. He seems to be enjoying school a little more this year. He is a Freshman.

Amanda and Jake are always up early and I often let them watch a little TV once they are all set for school. This morning they just played and did not mention the TV so I certainly did not bring it up, I think almost all kids watch to much TV and play to many  video games. We 3 sisters all feel that same way...Daddy prevails. He never let us watch a lot of TV.

This week is homecoming week at school. Each day the kids dress in a theme. Jake, 7 years old, looked this morning and said it was PJ day/wacky hair day. The kids were dressed in about 5 minutes. I decided I had better check and..... PJ day is tomorrow...Today it is Tyedye ...If I had let them go to school dressed like they were I might have gotten a call from the authorities....

Betty posted about why and when we all started blogging. Yes Patsy was first. She had been reading Blogs and wanted one. She called me to help her set one up. The only reason I was called was because 1st sister was on vacation. I got on and looked at the site and it was super simple. I called Patsy back and helped her set up hers.

Yes all of us, except Patsy, thought the Blog was a pain but we all liked to read hers so we kept blogging so she would. Going back and looking at her blog now I can see up until the last year of her life she was still interested in the blog. Even then you can see up until the last 6 months of her life she would get on and read other blogs often. When I was so sick and in AZ it was a good way to speak to the Sisters.  I knew all of my Brothers and Sisters were very worried about me. By posting on the blog it was a way to let them know I was still kicking. Today is my 3,650th post.  Each post is just like this one....Filled with valuable information...

I do enjoy reading my 2 sister's blogs. They are like me...Not posting a lot. They should do better on the old dead peoples blog. Only because they really like dead people.


Galla Creek said...

Yes, we like live people but only ones we call kinfolk!!

Adopted Sister said...

My grandkids are also having spirit week for homecoming this week. I take my grandkids to school and love it -- learn the most interesting stuff. This morning we saw several kids walking to school with cains and one with a walker. I commented on it, and Kayelon told me this was "old people" day. She went on to say it was a "G" word, but they put "old people" in parentheses so the kids would know what it was. Of course, the "G" word was geriatric. I told her to go find Mr. Oyler, the principal, the minute she got in the building and tell him that her granny was insulted, and that was very disrespectful. Kayelon and Mr. Oyler are "tight," so you know she did it!:)