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Friday, September 11, 2015

Granny in charge....

It has been a busy few days here..

Tuesday was the kids first day of school and Kris's first work day at Kinder garden. My job was to whip the house in order which I did on Tuesday.

Wednesday I did her laundry and cleaned up my room out here. My room is not all of the way done because I need to take a load to the dump...When I am not here my room  becomes a storage place or dumping ground. IE Darrel's old recliner broke. They bought a nice new one the old one needs to go to the dump but if it sits outside it fills with water....soooo till it makes it to the dump it is out here. And there are a few things like that...So it is about as cleaned up as I can get it till I take a trailer load to the dump...

Thursday was an easy day. I cooked a little did the usual mop and vacuum, which I do every day, and a few loads of laundry. This morning I have finished 3 loads of laundry and moped and vacuumed emptied the dish washer and cleaned up the kitchen and I have a big pot roast in the crock pot for supper. I promised the 2 little ones lunch from the big M so they were excited. That is at 11:30.  The kids go to the same school where Kris teaches.

We went through Amanda's closet and I have a trash bag of clothes for Lexi. Hannah is very picky about her clothes and will not wear jeans and there are like 10 pair of jeans in the bag. Lexi can not wear them for years but Kimmie has been good about saving them for her. The last bunch Kris sent to Hannah went to the school I believe.

So for today I am not going to do a lot more till the kids get home. I do have 1 load of wash out here to do. I have walked around the yard and it has so much brush and limbs down I hardly know where to start...Plus Darrel made a very nice fire pit out there  where I used to have a 12 foot pit I now have one that is about 2 foot deep and 4 foot around it looks beautiful with nice sand stone and a proper fire ring...WORTHLESS......I do not know what he expects me to burn in that.  When I looked at it with him I said well I can dig a pit over there... LOL I may just tell him he messed in his nest and load them all in the trailer and have him pay to dump them. I'll bet there is about 4 loads...It is alot. They have had lots of winds and the limbs blew plus he has cut down another tree or two since I was last here.

I hope everything is good at home. Robert is having a Birthday and I did not get him anything but I am sending money to Fleta today so she had better get a gift from me. It would be sad if Aunt Helen did not get him anything.

Today at the bus stop Amanda was being rotten...I had gotten on to her the past 3 days. It was nothing really bad she was running and chasing other kids and it is right by a busy road. She got a stick and was swinging it at only Jake thank goodness. I was parked across the street and I had hollered at her 2 times to stop this or that, which she would and then she would start something else. Finally I drove the car over there and told her she had to sit down on the side walk till the bus came and she would have to do this every day next week. She looked down in the mouth about it but walked back over there....Then I drove towards the house to turn around and go back to wait for the bus. I really never dreamed she would not be sitting down like I told her but she wasn't...She was running and chasing a kid again...So I pulled up there and told her since she did not mind me she would have to sit for 2 weeks now... We will see if she is remorseful when she gets home.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Eye of the tiger of which you are the tiger. Amanda better watch out. lol

Glad you are busy cause I know you love that.

Hope Mackenzie is doing well. You did not mention her. And Michael.

Be sure to save some work for another day. Saving is good.