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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Oh what a day...

Mackenzie is applying for a nursing program through the college...She had an interview yesterday...She looked beautiful..

It looks like spring to me...tree by the house,,
 A fairly cleaned up burn spot...
 Look closely and you can see some yellow starting to bloom..

 Shadow puppets because it is sunny and I can
 A little blue bloom..
Amanda is home today...I had to pick her up from school early yesterday...No fever but she is sleeping a lot...She will go back to Doc again today..

I feel better today than yesterday...Just a little under the weather...I have drank my pot of coffee. I guess I need to spiff up the house. It is not bad but with 4 kids there is always something where it should not be. No laundry

Darrel is wanting more yard work done. I guess I could do that. It seems so pointless since It is so hard to get rid of all I rake up. I hook this rake thing behind the lawn mower to do the wide open places. With so many trees we have thousands if small limbs..The size of your finger and to to 2 foot long.. Then down to the size of a twig...So after I rake this stuff up I try to burn it...but a lot of it is wet so it smokes a lot....I have to be careful or the neighbors will call the fire dept.

I am anxious to get back home and do a little clean up there...A few things I have planned..

So on to another day... I spoke to Benjamin last night and he said he would be OK with me just staying at his house a week... I need to book a flight...

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Nursing is a good field. Your license is good all over the US. Go anywhere and get a job just like zap.

She sure looked pretty for the interview.

Hope Amanda kicks what ails her and you too.

Sun shining here so I am happy.