safe and sound but it is late....I will just give you one short conversation between Benjamin and his Mama this evening...
It was 6 PM. We had been at Sea World all day...And for three days before that Benjamin and Missy had been to Lego Land every day...This was a lot of togetherness..
At 6:00pm we left Sea World and once we were outside of San Diego Missy pulled in to a station to fill up the car with gas.
She had kept night clothes out specifically for Benjamin to change into for the 6 hour ride home.
So at the Gas station she handed Benjamin his PJ's and told him to put them on..Here was the conversation..
Missy. Benjamin, here. Put these clothes on.
Benjamin. No.
Missy. Benjamin undo your car seat and stand up here we are going to change your clothes.
Benjamin. I want to go inside to a bathroom to change.
Missy. No. It is dirty in there. Come here . You are tired and will fall asleep soon and I want you to have on nice comfy PJ's.
Benjamin. I am not tired. YOU ARE TIRED!
Missy. I am not tired but I do have a head ache. Now get these on.
Benjamin. Well, you are giving me a head ache right now!
Benjamin took the clothes and put them on. I am not really sure Missy won the fight.
Loved the conversation and have to admit, pre-PJing a child is brilliant.
He did not want folks seeing him changing clothes like a baby. I know Benjamin.
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