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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Morning Radio...

Every morning on the 10 minute drive to take Kenzie to school we listen to a country and western radio station. Each morning they have what is called, 'The Ben and Matt cold call.' This is where someone has called the radio station and gets these hosts to call a friend or relative acting like they are someone else. It is usually with some news like they are the moving company and they have lost all of their furniture and the person they call falls apart. Kenzie loves to listen to this and it starts her day off with a laugh. Usually I do not get much a kick out of it but this morning it was funny.

This morning a guy had called them because his buddy went golfing last weekend and lost his wedge club. There is such a thing as 'Golf edicut,' (SP) since it is to be played by gentlemen (oh yes, look at Tiger woods) and if you find anything you return it to the club house. Well this guy who lost his $140. club was discouraged in mankind because no one returned his club. This radio host calls him and said he got his number and name from the certain golf course and they were playing right behind his group and found his wedge. The guy on the phone was so happy. He was thanking the guy and talking about how he was so surprised to get the call, he figured his club was gone forever.

They set up a time and place to meet and exchange the club. Then the hosts said he looked on the net and this club sold for 140 bucks and he thought $70 was a fair price for it. What did the guy think. The guy could not believe his ears and made the host repeat what he was wanting... Then you hear the guy tell someone, 'Can you believe it. Some guy found my club and wants to sell it back to me!' You could tell his faith in human nature was even lower than it had been before.

The host said in case the guy had not noticed this was a bad economy and he thought this was a fair price. After all if he had to go buy another one it would cost him 140 bucks. The man tried to reason with the host telling him he thought he was a good guy just wanting to do the right thing. The host came back with, 'Where I come from it is finders keepers losers weepers.' At that point the guy on the phone lost it and it was hard to make out the rest of the conversation because every other word had to be bleeped out. Finally they told the guy who they were and his buddy had gotten them to call him. They told him the bad news was they had not found his club. At that point the guy said, 'Yeah I figured that one out.'

Kenzie and I both had a laugh this morning...

1 comment:

Arkansas Patti said...

That is really funny unless you are the guy being pranked.
Kind of like getting a fake winning lotto ticket. Rough on the blood pressure.